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New York City Voters Are Receiving Absentee Ballots With The Wrong Return Envelope After 'Vendor Error'

New York City Voters Are Receiving Absentee Ballots With The Wrong Return Envelope After 'Vendor Error'

Just five weeks before the 2020 General Election, New Yorkers absentee ballots have arrived to many with mislabeled return envelopes. The envelopes have discrepancies between the voter name and address on the ballot versus the return envelope which would render the ballot invalid.

The inaccurate envelopes stemmed from one batch in Brooklyn, however, officials do not have information on who exactly received the misprinted envelopes.

Examples of misprinted envelopes poured onto Twitter this week as people realized they were inaccurate.

Validity is an added concern this election cycle as the pandemic has brought a drastic increase in the number of people voting via absentee.

New York's Board of Elections (BOE) said the mishap was "an outside vendor error." According to Gothamist and WNYC, a private company was contracted to print and mail ballots.

Originally voters were told to contact the Board of Elections for a corrected return envelope. However, on Tuesday the BOE's executive director Mike Ryan announced at a public board meeting that all "potentially affected" voters would receive new ballot packets "to make certain absolutely no disenfranchisement occurs."

NY voters were calling for action on the matter.

Agencies also took to social media to help information reach potentially affected voters.

Many areas have early in person voting options to help reduce the crowd sizes on Election Day. Check with your local officials for more information.

Absentee ballots can still be a great way to cast your ballot safely, however, double check to assure your information is correct. Your vote is important, especially this election season.