As with former attorney Michael Cohen, former public liaison Omarosa Manigault-Newman, former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, and former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Anthony Scaramucci's relationship with President Donald Trump has soured since his 11 day stint as the White House Communications Director.
Scaramucci was fired in 2017, but continued to make the rounds on television news shows to vouch for the President—until recently. After criticizing the Trump's actions in the aftermath of two mass shootings in Dayton, Ohio and El Paso, Texas earlier this month, Trump took to Twitter to rail against Scaramucci, who soon responded with a dire warning.
Trump is still holding a grudge.
Scaramucci recently elaborated on what triggered his ideological shift in an op-ed for the Washington Post.
"His response to the neo-Nazi march in Charlottesville was repellent," Scaramucci writes. "I was appalled by the administration’s child-separation policy along the southern border. His ranting about the news media as the 'enemy of the people' was dangerous and beyond the pale."
"But the final straw came last month when Trump said on Twitter that four congresswomen — all of them U.S. citizens, and three native-born — should 'go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came.'"
Scaramucci ends by challenging Republicans to speak out against Trump and the "culture of fear" he's created.
Though Scaramucci clearly lays out his evolution and doesn't shy away from the praise he used to heap upon the President, Trump tweeted a video of "this dope" Scaramucci hours after the op-ed's publication.
And the feud continued.
There aren't really any heroes in this story, but people knew whose side they were on.
"Only the best people," right?
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