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TikToker Says Mom Let Her Kid Crawl All Over Her During Flight After She Refused To Switch Seats

TikToker @DiaryOfASoloTraveler says she woke up to a child crawling on her during a 6-hour flight after she declined to switch seats.

​@DiaryOfASoloTraveler detailing terrible flight with stranger's child

Taking a flight is not everyone's favorite activity. From extreme delays to children crying just seats away, there are so many inconveniences one can experience while traveling by air.

Fortunately, most people don't experience physical contact with fellow flyers, except their seat annoyingly being kicked.

That wasn't true for one TikToker, however.

Diary of a Solo Traveler detailed in a video how a mother asked her to switch her window seat for an aisle seat so the mother, father and their child could sit together in the same row.

Because she had specifically paid for the window seat, the TikToker declined.


#stitch with @destinyiriss #airplanestory #storytime #flightstory #changingseats

The mother seemingly got her revenge on the TikToker by allowing her child to do whatever they wanted during the flight.

In her video the TikToker recounted:

"You can always ask [to switch seats on a flight]."
"The problem is the people who get mad when they don't get their way."
"I had a six-hour flight. I try to plan my sleep schedule on the plane. I don't end up jet-lagged, pretty sure I have a sleep disorder."
"I get to my row, and this woman asked me if I wanted an aisle seat."
"I said, 'Oh no, thank you. I got the window; I want the window.'"
"She was very taken aback. She was sitting with her kid, and then she wanted the other seat for her husband."
"I think out of spite, this woman refused to deal with her child because of it."
"I fell asleep before we took off. When I woke up, the child was climbing on top of me."
"I did not know what to do."
"So I forced myself to pass out and then sat through the most uncomfortable flight of my life."

Her story went viral.

Fellow TikTokers and travelers had some definite opinions on the matter.



















There were a few people like TikToker @Trump2024keepwinning who thought the mother's behavior was justified because she didn't get her way...


...but they were definitely in the minority.

Twitter was also appalled on the TikToker's behalf.

While it may have been easy enough to switch seats, it's understandable the TikToker didn't want to after having previously reserved that specific seat.

Either way, it's less than responsible to allow a child to climb on a stranger.

It would be uncomfortable for the stranger, but it could also be potentially harmful to the child.