Parties can be great, but they can also be way too much to deal with—especially if you're tired or don't know everyone who will be there.
Having a good excuse on hand to get out of a party you don't want to go to is always a good idea.
Redditor Bianca_di_Angelo asked:
"What's a fool proof excuse to skip a party?"
Yeah, no.
"In the wise words of Rachel Green, 'I wish I could, but I don't want to'."
- leese216
"Phoebe’s brutal honestly also featured in 'Sorry I’m late, but I left late'"
- Et12355
Mom Said No
"'My mom said no, sorry"
- Deleted Account
"I'm gonna try 'my cat said no, sorry'"
- Listen-bitch
No Friends, No Problem
"If you don’t have friends you can skip all the parties."
- ChunkyPillow
"Extroverts hate this one weird trick!"
- havron
Do A Caesar
"Caesar: Decius, go tell them Caesar will not come."
"Decius Brutus: Most mighty Caesar, let me know some cause, lest I be laugh'd at when I tell them so."
"Caesar: The cause is in my will: I will not come; That is enough to satisfy the senate."
- NoStressAccount
Keep It Simple
"Just say you're not feeling very well. Leave it at that."
- MiddlesboroughFan
So Much Poop
"Explosive diarrhea"
- nsmith0723
"This works and absolutely kills any followup questions. Dead stop. And reduces the risk of of being invited to future events."
- Sticking_To_Decaf
"'Hey. I just violently sh*t myself. I'm thinking that going out in public isn't really a thing for me today.'"
- Darth_D**k_Fingers
Boundaries Are Great
"You don't need a foolproof excuse. Set your boundaries and decline the invitation"
- puppymonkeybaby79
You Know I'm An Introvert
"My social battery is low. Just gonna chill by myself"
Family Time
"'Family coming in' my go to"
- Sea_Sea3831
When All Else Fails, Absurdism
"Say 'Sorry I gotta go milk my cat.' and give no further explanations, that should stop the whole party problem."
- Hacker_N00b
Hopefully you won't need them but, if you do, here's a great selection of ways to get out of any unwanted parties.