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Dedicated Man Hides Message In His Tweets For Over A Month—And The Result Is Impressive And Awkward 😬

Dedicated Man Hides Message In His Tweets For Over A Month—And The Result Is Impressive And Awkward 😬
Getty Images/iStockphoto, Twitter: @NicSampson

You may have seen hidden messages hidden in tweets before – but probably not one quite like this.

Actor and comedian Nic Sampson incited his followers to look back over his recent Twitter output to find a “fun hidden message."

The message started strong.

The opening words of the New Zealander's most recent five tweets formed the sentence: “Linda I want a divorce."

It didn't get much better from there as the next bunch read: “This has been a long time coming and we both know it's not working. We've grown apart."

And on it went.

And there were more twists from there over the course of 73 tweets – which you can see for yourself at Nic's Twitter page.

Spanning over a month from August 31 to October 3, you have to admire the dedication that went into putting the tweets together.

If you don't quite have the dedication to read them, you can see the full message here.

“Linda I want a divorce. This has been a long time coming and we both know it's not working. We've grown apart. I barely even recognise who I've become when I'm around you. The silence is killing me. I'm taking the dog and the good couch. Now you can be with Mark from work like you always wanted. That's right, I know what happened on that skiing trip. You ruined my life. Goodbye."

Needless to say, people were very impressed:

But for many, that feeling was tempered with feeling bad for Sampson:

In the end, maybe we could all learn a thing or two:

A version of this article originally appeared on Press Association.