The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) program Schitt's Creek is unique in that it shows a queer relationship (David and Patrick) in a society that does not project homophobia.
David and Patrick were not immediately perfect for each other, but in the trajectory of the show, they have learned about and cared for each other more than anybody ever thought possible.
This queer relationship in a society where relationships can be formed without judgment has apparently inspired fans across the world to come out, including one Scottish fan who reportedly left Dan Levy in tears.
Ellie watched the episode Meet The Parentsbefore posting the video, in which Patrick comes out to his parents and experiences nothing but acceptance, and she felt inspired to come out to her own mother.
"I was watching it and Patrick has just come out, and I was like wow, I should do that. So I rewinded it and I watched him come out again, then I rewinded it again and I cried a little bit."
Ellie, after the episode was over, swallowed her fears and marched to her mother to tell her she was gay.
Though Ellie's mother had her "suspicions," Ellie still "did that."
"I would not have been able to do this without Schitt's Creek, that show has helped me a lot.
Dan Levy (one of the head writers and also the actor who portrays 'David' in the show) himself saw the message and could not help but get emotional.
And plenty of others also had to say how positively Schitt's Creek had influenced their spheres for the better.
Noah Reid, who plays David's fiancé Patrick, also responded.
The final season of Schitt's Creek, season 6, premieres in Canada in early 2020. Predictions are it will be available on Netflix for US distribution by October 2020.
The end will hopefully see Patrick and David's wedding, and with that, more queer representation for the kids who need to see it to latch onto.
You can get Schitt's Creek: Seasons 1-3 on DVD here.