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Capitol Rioter Who Trump Retweeted Saying 'The Only Good Democrat Is A Dead Democrat' Arrested

Capitol Rioter Who Trump Retweeted Saying 'The Only Good Democrat Is A Dead Democrat' Arrested
KVIA ABC-7/YouTube

The investigation surrounding the Capitol insurrection is ongoing, especially with President Donald Trump's upcoming Senate impeachment trial.

Cuoy Griffin, the leader of "Cowboys for Trump" in New Mexico is the latest arrest as one of the people who stormed the Capitol.

Griffin appeared in court on Thursday, where his recent behaviors were presented.

Back in May 2020, Griffin was recorded making a statement to fellow Cowboys, claiming:

"The only good Democrat is a dead Democrat."

The claim alone was disarming enough, but it really drew attention when President Trump retweeted Griffin's video.

After receiving backlash, Griffin clarified in a follow-up tweet that he meant this statement in a figurative sense, rather than as a physical threat. President Trump retweeted this, as well.

In the months since posting those two tweets, Cuoy Griffin also made an appearance at the White House and took a photo with President Trump in the Oval Office.

These events were included in the evidence at Griffin's trial on Thursday.

Like his tweet about Democrats, Griffin claimed he did not take part in the violence or destruction. Once again, he claimed it was more of a figurative move, appearing at the Capitol to show his support.

However figurative Griffin might claim his previous acts to be, Griffin did not speak figuratively during his trial. Griffin stated he would appear at the Capitol again on Inauguration Day, aiming to keep President-elect Joe Biden out of office.

Griffin promised:

"If we do, then it's gonna be a sad day, because there's gonna be blood running out of that building."

Griffin has repeatedly been called to resign from his position, by Democrats and Republicans alike, after inciting violence against the Democratic party and the Capitol.

President Trump's behaviors are also being reevaluated given his relationship with Griffin. This information likely will be presented during his Senate impeachment trial.

Twitter users following these developments shared more accounts of Griffin's behaviors and are hoping for progress in the coming days.

More information inevitably will come to light regarding Griffin's involvement in the insurrection of the Capitol, especially with the inauguration of President-elect Joe Biden and his administration taking over the Department of Justice leadership from Trump.