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Canadian Kid Goes Viral For His Legendary Reaction To Missing Out On Disneyland After It Closes Down For A Month

Canadian Kid Goes Viral For His Legendary Reaction To Missing Out On Disneyland After It Closes Down For A Month
FOX11, @ArashMarkazi/Twitter

COVID-19 has affected more businesses than we thought imaginable.

It's gotten so bad that even Disneyland has closed its parks- something that rarely occurs for the major tourist attraction.

A young boy from Canada recently expressed his disappointment over the recent Disneyland closures in what might be the most sophisticated way possible.

While some children (and adults) have made their strong opinions known about the closures, this young Canadian man has kept his cool, as seen in a clip from Fox News 11.

Sports columnist Arash Markazi shared the clip on his Twitter account on March 13th, where it received over 150,000 likes and 27,000 retweets.

Markazi captioned the video:

"This Canadian kid's response to not being able to go to Disneyland this weekend is the best thing I've seen today."

Elias Sharf, the boy in question, is seen holding an umbrella and wearing a poncho, calmly spoke about his canceled trip to Disneyland.

"It's closing for the whole month, and we come from Canada. We took a long trip to get here."

He punctuated his statement by sipping his Starbucks drink.

This very classy lad has garnered a huge reaction on social media, with many commenting on how sophisticated Sharf was in the video.

Markazi followed up his tweet offering Sharf and his family a free trip to Disneyland (and Starbucks) once the park reopened.

Elias' dad responded, amused by the overwhelming reaction to his son.

This is the fourth time in history that Disneyland has closed for a period of time. Let's hope that everyone who was planning a trip stays as calm, cool and collected as Elias.

Until the parks reopen, you can watch Disney Parks: The Secrets, Stories and Magic Behind the Scenes, available here.