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Bouncer Creeps Out Internet With Note He Left For Black-Out Drunk Bargoer He Brought Home

Bouncer Creeps Out Internet With Note He Left For Black-Out Drunk Bargoer He Brought Home

A viral note posted on Reddit, allegedly left by a bouncer to a drunken bargoer they brought back to their home, has left followers baffled.

Posted on the Reddit page "MadeMeSmile", the bargoer who had "one too many" one night, supposedly found the note in the guest bedroom of the bouncer who brought them home.

"DON'T PANIC" was written in all caps at the top of the note, with instructions as to the location of the bathroom and where they could find bottled water and paracetamol (an English ibuprofen like medication) should they need it.

The rest of the note was a list of questions the confused bargoer likely had, and each question was followed by a detailed answer.

The first question was "where am I?", and the response that followed suggested the bouncer was simply looking out for the bargoer in their inebriated state.

"In the spare bedroom of the bouncer you were talking to last night. You weren't in a state to be left alone, wouldn't/couldn't get in a taxi, and none of your friends were answering the phone."

The note went on to reveal the location of the bargoer's, phone and "tightfitting jewelry", as well as informing them "the clothes [they] threw up on" were in the washing machine, and there were some "oversized hoodies" to wear in the meantime.

The final part of the note asked the question, "what next?", and the Bouncer's response was, "whatever you like", listing off a number of possible options.

"There's clean towels on the bannister, possibly food in the fridge, a sticker with the WiFi password on it somewhere in the living room, Netflix on the TV and the dog loves to be played with."

With over 84,500 upvotes, the note was met with fascination, amusement and horror in the nearly four thousand comments it received on Reddit.

Some were certain the individual who woke up to this note was in imminent danger, with more than one pointing out the note seemed like something crazed fan Annie Wilkes of Stephen King's Misery would write.

Many were also unnerved by the fact this bouncer has this note prepared suggests this was not a one time occurrence.







A few came to the bouncer's defense, claiming this might have been a misconstrued act of chivalry and the drunk individual could have woken up somewhere far worse.




Then of course, there were those who questioned if the note was, in fact, found by a frightened, hung over bargoer, or if this was merely an online hoax




Whether or not this was an actual occurrence or simply a joke that went too far, it seems safe to say all Redditors who read this note will be a bit more mindful of how much they drink next time they go out.

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