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Woman Stunned After Discovering Wedding Website Of Man She's Been Dating For Six Weeks

TikToker Ellen Smith shared her shocked reaction after discovering the man she'd been dating for six weeks was actually getting married to another woman.

TikTok screenshots of @ellenelizsmith

A woman on TikTok has gone viral after revealing she discovered the wedding website of the man she's been dating for six weeks.

We don't have to tell you that dating these days can be wild, but...what?!

TikToker Ellen Smith (@ellenelizsmith) shared in her 21-second creation that has been viewed nearly half a million times:

“If you’re having a bad day, just remember that you could have accidentally found the wedding website of the man that you’ve been seeing for six weeks...on Google."


She continued:

“So, it could always be worse for you, not for me."
"Stay blessed.”

Smith captioned her TikTok:

"Men are trash."

You can watch below.


men are trash #zola #weddingfail #datingfail #theaudacity

But as crazy as the creator's story is, many viewers expressed they've found themselves in similar situations.





A few in the comments urged Smith to tell the man's future bride.




And a couple even found a silver lining.




The TikToker posted a follow-up video displaying the texts from the man which ranged from "What?" to "You up" to "I am sorry" and our favorite, "I'm assuming you hung up."


i did hang up #weddingtok #datingindallas #breakuptiktok #audacity

Oof. It's rough out there. Do your research Google searches, friends.