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Trump Just Tried To Blame Obama And The CDC For The Slow Response To The Coronavirus, And Internet Let Him Have It

Trump Just Tried To Blame Obama And The CDC For The Slow Response To The Coronavirus, And Internet Let Him Have It
Scott Olson/Getty Images // Drew Angerer/Getty Images

His first term in office is nearly complete, but President Donald Trump still hasn't stopped blaming his predecessor, former President Barack Obama, for even the smallest things—such as poor air conditioning in the White House.

Friday morning was no different when Trump took to Twitter blaming Obama for changes at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that he says made it harder to prevent the spread of COVID-19, the highly contagious strand of coronavirus spreading throughout the United States and the rest of the world.

This comes hardly a week after Trump blamed Obama for the CDC's bungled coronavirus testing rollout.

Trump claimed the CDC's operations were "looked at" for decades.

The problem?

Trump himself gutted the CDC's pandemic response team in 2018 in hopes of cutting costs. The team was highly qualified to tackle the very threat the United States faces today.

Now, Trump's son-in-law and advisor Jared Kushner is one of the officials overseeing the administration's response.

Despite having numerous health agencies at his disposal, Kushner asked his sister-in-law's father, Dr. Kurt Kloss, for advice on how to handle the situation. Kloss posted in a 22,000 member Facebook group for doctors asking for input and saying he had a direct channel to the White House.

With Trump's gutting of the CDC and his botched handling of the coronavirus crisis, people weren't here for Trump blaming Obama.

Though he's not in office anymore, Obama has shown more leadership on Twitter during the crisis than Trump.

People noticed.

Stay safe, everyone.