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Las Vegas Newspaper Owned By Trump Megadonor Calls On Trump To Concede In Brutal Op-Ed

Las Vegas Newspaper Owned By Trump Megadonor Calls On Trump To Concede In Brutal Op-Ed
MANDEL NGAN/Getty Images

The Review-Journal, a Las Vegas newspaper owned by Trump mega donor Sheldon Adelson, published a blistering article calling on President Trump to cease his denial of the 2020 election results by cooperating with the transition to President Elect Joe Biden's administration.

Adelson and his wife, Dr. Miriam Adelson, donated $75 million to a Trump super PAC for the sitting President's reelection campaign totaling a whopping $173 million toward the Republican 2020 election. Interestingly, Trump bestowed a Presidential Medal of Freedom to Dr. Adelson in 2018 for "philanthropy".

The paper was the first with a major audience to endorse Trump in his run for office in 2016 and continued that endorsement through the 2020 election so the turn in support had readers surprised.

Fact checkers have flagged several of Trumps tweets because of the blatant inaccuracy as he refuses to concede.

The editorial said of Trumps behavior:

"There is no evidence ... that fraud cost Mr. Trump the election, no matter how much the president tweets the opposite,"

"Mr. Trump lost this election because he ultimately didn't attract enough votes and failed to win a handful of swing states that broke his way in 2016."

Continuing to call Trump's insistence a disservice to his voters saying:

"It is too fitting that the Trump presidency concludes amid a babel of bluster and bravado,"

"But the president does a disservice to his more rabid supporters by insisting that he would have won the Nov. 3 election absent voter fraud. That's simply false."

According to Politico Trump had a tense conversation with Mr. Adelson prior to the election in which he said the billionaire donor was not doing enough for him.

Although the editorial acknowledged the right to recount, it stood firm on its stance saying:

"certainly within its rights to request recounts or challenge what it believes are improprieties. An electoral system that involves the participation of 150 million Americans will have its share of issues."

And going on to say:

"It's an insult to reason and logic to argue that isolated irregularities constitute proof of a grand national conspiracy."

"can keep fighting — and no doubt will. In the meantime, however, he has nothing to lose by cooperating with President-elect Biden's transition team."

Many applauded Adelson's paper for the op-ed and others pointed out a different perspective, noting that Adelson already benefited from Trump's Presidency.

President-elect Joe Biden will fully transition to the White House on January 20th, 2021.