Pet peeves are there to remind us that we truly, are, human.
Why is it that someone tapping us on the shoulder rather than simply saying "excuse me?" sends us flying off the handle in such a way that we just want to strike them?
u/slinkoff asked:
What small thing pisses you off way more than it should?
Here were some of those answers.
Ew Ew Ew
People who don't rinse toothpaste out the sink after they spit.
Yes, they exist.
My brother does that how hard is it to turn on the sink
Wet Feet
My boyfriend has a mat outside his shower that he always manages to soak after showering and I always step on it and complain that I got my socks wet or some times I'll be in the bathroom with him just talking and mid-sentence he will shove me onto the stupid gross wet mat!!
Nom Nom Nom
People who chew with their mouth open. My grandfather did this and he ate a butter, cream cheese, and mayo bagel. He had his mouth open. I threw up on the ground.
Different Kindness Avenues
People ignoring four-way stop procedure and trying to wave you through when they clearly should go first. Like thanks for trying to be kind but I'm confused and you're holding up traffic, go give a balloon to a child instead.
Why I'm An Introvert
I hate when I arrive at a party and I have to go over to everyone I know to say hi, I'd rather it all happen organically. I walked into a party once, grabbed a drink and sat down with a couple people and like 4 people walked over like "EY! You don't come over to say hi to me you dirtbag?!" I told them that I was doing a reverse Irish exit, an Irish entrance. They told me that the Irish entrance isn't a thing and that I was an ahole.
The Earth's Rotation, Rebecca
People who are aggressively ignorant. Example conversation that I had. Person finds out I'm not religious/don't believe in God. Them screaming. "Well then how do you explain the sunrise?!!!!"
A Limey Ahead
As somebody from the UK, I get incredibly annoyed with other British tourists who cannot control their drink and make a fool of themselves abroad, especially in European countries such as Spain for example. Places like Benidorm and Magaluf come to mind, just party resorts to go and get pissed, almost like a mini Blackpool. I'm all for partying and have a good time don't get me wrong, but a lot of my fellow countrymen have no respect for the locals by drinking ridiculous amounts, and on top of that make no effort to learn about the country's customs, culture or language.
No wonder there was a meme going round a few years ago of how Americans see the British, and how Europeans see the British. Generally we all tend to be lumped in as white trash. Its always a few Brits that tend to ruin our image abroad, we're not all drunken lager louts that cause mayhem. A lot of British tourists generally want to try out different cultures and cuisines, rather than get pissed in clubs every night and have the bare minimum interaction with the locals.
Let It Forever Be "Have"
People who write "ect" instead of "etc".
People who write "alot" instead of "a lot".
People who write "could care less" instead of "couldn't care less".
People who write "could of" instead of "could have".
People who write "England" when they mean "the UK".
Move Along
People who talk on the phone while checking out.
Casino cashier here. I've had people literally CALL SOMEONE while in my window. Like, gtf off the phone, tell me how you want your change so you can stop holding up the line!
Dining Etiquette
I worked in foodservice for about four years, starting when I was 15. I get upset when people don't phrase their order as a polite sentence, like grumbling "hamburger and fries" instead of asking "Can I get a hamburger and fries, please?" That, and also orders that start with "gimme." I just think it's important to talk to servers like people! :) (Also in the U.S. you've gotta leave a respectful tip)