The bro code. It's nuanced, and although most of the rules are unwritten, there are some standards that are supposed to be universally adhered to. Yeah, okay.
bakedbutnotburnt asked, People of Reddit, what are some of the "guy code" and "girl code" unwritten rules that you always follow?
Submissions have been edited for clarity, context, and profanity.
Don't assume there's a hug, bro.
Guy code: when greeting someone and you're not sure if they're a hugger, always shake their hand first... it allows them to throw up the other arm for a hug if they're down for it.
Well... yeah. But like also no.
If your friends help you move, you are expected to a) be packed already... And b) provide pizza and beer.
Should I Say Something?
Girl code: if something is fixable within five minutes (make-up, something stuck in teeth, small things on appearance) you tell her and help her if needed, if it isn't fixable on the spot, you keep your mouth shut and ESPECIALLY don't point it out to others.
But do you even lift?
As a guy that lifts weights and has brought some of his other male (and two female friends) into the fold - you never, EVER, slander another person's weight on any lift. If your friend is 250 pounds and only benches 135, but is trying his a** off - then you never make a sound other than howling intense encouragement at them.
The rule in my basement is - everything is heavy to SOMEBODY. As long as you're giving it your full-a**, then the number is irrelevant.
None of these are enforceable.
Lightly picking on each other is a sign of endearment, but you should always be trying to build each other up.
Don't put someone else down just to make yourself look/feel better.
Everyone wants to feel important and the center of attention sometimes.
Don't bang someone that your friends are deeply invested in, even if it's not going to go anywhere.
...I wish I had friends who followed any of these.
Would you offer if you weren't sure? Didn't think so.
If someone offers to pay, you should ask them if they are sure. If they are, then it is rude to further reject what is supposed to be a kindness on their part.
"I got the bill."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, don't worry about it."
"Thank you."
This is how you wing.
I will wing-man any man. I don't even have to know you. Hell, I'll wing-man any woman too. If you are trying to make an impression on someone you think you'll hit it off with, call me. I love love and am always willing to help make it happen.
An open door is an invitation. This is science.
If their bedroom door is open, be careful to sound your approach before popping in. Never know what he's up to.
Stop attacking my game.
Dude if there's like 8 open urinals DON'T TAKE THE ONE NEXT TO ME.
Well then how about a bump?
If I offer someone a beer or other alcoholic beverage and they turn it down, I never push it. Sometimes I don't want to drink and I hate being pressured. Never pressure a drink on someone.