In 2016, it was not clear which entities would play a major role in the pending presidency of Donald Trump, but hardly anyone guessed the dictionary would be one of them.
Whether the classic Merriam-Webster or the modern, the humble dictionary has been a contributor to the public discourse regarding the Trump administration.
In their latest salvo, Merriam Webster shot one across the bow of the embattled POTUS. After days of fielding questions and fending off speculation over a House obstruction of justice inquiry, a reported whistleblower and possible impropriety by the President in a call to a foreign leader, the legacy of George and Charles Merriam and Noah Webster selected misprision as their word of the day for Friday, September 20, 2019.
"misprision ~ concealment of treason or felony"
The selection left many wondering if the dictionary was trolling the President.
People appreciated Merriam Webster's input.
And despite Betsy DeVos, it looks like Americans are getting an education.
Some even suggested a few other words.
And even an alternative dictionary had a reference to President Trump. Thanks to Chrissy Teigen.
Although, not everyone was able to learn something.
Some were anticipating a counter strike.
But even if there is a forthcoming Twitter rant, people gave kudos to the humble dictionary.
Bravo, kudos and laudation Merriam Webster. Keep up the great work.
Looking to build your vocabulary? Intellinitiative Webster's Word Sweep game is available here is for ages 10 and up.
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