After President-elect Joe Biden posted a tweet calling for unity in our deeply divided nation, former Fox News and NBC host Megyn Kelly drew intense criticism online for mocking his message using a Trump talking point.
Kelly, who left Fox for a lucrative $69 million deal at NBC, was quickly fired for offensive on-air comments and low ratings.
Since then, she's become a podcaster and has, apparently, begun to indulge her worst journalistic impulses.
Twitter users banded together to remind Kelly that there is a reason she is no longer in the public eye.
It's hard to imagine what Kelly's problem was with such an innocuous tweet from the President-elect.
With no bosses to impress, it seems we finally get to see Kelly's true colors.
It was not lost on many that Kelly was also parroting a failed talking point from soon-to-be-former President Donald Trump.
Most people aren't sure where you've gone since being fired by NBC, Megyn Kelly, but they'd be perfectly fine if you stayed there and kept hot takes like this one to yourself.