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TikToker Hilariously Stitches Kylie Jenner's Reaction To Old Age Filter With 'Green Eggs And Ham'

TikToker @zaczonca perfectly timed Jenner's curt responses to the popular TikTok filter with the Dr. Seuss classic.

Screenshots from @zaczonca's TikTok video duet with Kylie Jenner

Kylie Jenner made it very clear she strongly objects to Green Eggs and Ham.

At least that's what it seemed after Zac–a.k.a. TikToker @zaczonca–stitched together a video of her reacting to an aging filter for the first time.

On July 10, the Keeping Up with the Kardashians star and founder and owner of Kylie Cosmetics posted a TikTok video selfie of her studying the juxtaposed images of her face–one in real-time and another with the applied aging effect.

She was not a fan.

"I don't like it," said Jenner, while observing the fake crow's feet and wrinkles under her eyes, and deep creases on the sides of her mouth.

She added again for emphasis:

"I don't like it at all. No.... No..."

You can watch Jenner's TikTok here.

Zac seized a comic opportunity and posted a hilarious TikTok duet using Jenner's video.

He framed the entire clip as if it was the plotline from Dr. Seuss' popular 1960 children's book, Green Eggs and Ham.

Using the same aging filter on himself, the TikToker appeared on the left side of the screen and asked Jenner:

"Hey, how do you feel about Green Eggs and Ham?"


"I don't like it."

Zac continued filling in the awkward silent pauses with another question, this time addressing Jenner as a character from the children's book.

"Would you say, you don't like it, Sam-I-am?"


"I don't like it at all."

Keeping in line with the storytelling in the book, Zac continued:

"Would you like it in a house?"




"Would you like it with a mouse?"



The clip ended with him turning away disappointed and muttering, "Oh."

Here is Zac's TikTok duet clip with Jenner.


#duet with @Kylie Jenner

The internet applauded Zac's brilliance in executing the perfect stitch.







Others continued being in stitches.








Zac's lines were inspired by the ones heard from Green Eggs and Ham in which the character Sam-I-am offers their unnamed roommate the odd breakfast dish throughout the story.

The roommate repeatedly answers:

"I do not like green eggs and ham. I do not like them, Sam-I-Am."

Sam continues asking the roommate if they want to try the dish at various locations and with different companions–hence the TikToker's house and mouse references.

Eventually, the roommate relents and tries the dish to appease them and ends up liking it and declares:

"I do so like green eggs and ham."
"Thank you. Thank you, Sam-I-Am."

For now, the jury's out on whether Kylie-I-Am will have a change of heart about green eggs and ham.