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Kristen Bell Shows Off Painful Injury From Doing Jujitsu With Her Daughter—And Ouch!

The 'Frozen' star shared a video on Instagram of a her injury after she 'took some teeth to the nose.'

Kristen Bell
Elyse Jankowski/Getty Images

Frozen voice-over star Kristen Bell revealed her recent injury with her Instagram followers after she played hard with her eight-year-old daughter in a jujitsu match.

Maybe she should've stuck to building a snowman.

In a video clip, Bell showed herself getting her hair prepped and zoomed in on an irritated patch of skin and what appeared to be the beginnings of a scab forming on the bridge of her nose.

"Minor jujitsu injury," explained the Veronica Mars actress.

The 42-year-old animal rights activist added that she:

"Took some teeth to the nose. Will recover."

She went on to joke about her competition.

"You should see the other guy!!!! (she is 8, the fruit of my loins, and has big, sharp, buck teeth.)"

People shared their thoughts about the nose damage.





Others found the situation relatable.





In February, Bell told Jits Magazine that she started taking mother-daughter jujitsu classes with Cesalina Gracie–the granddaughter of Brazilian jujitsu master and patriarch of the Gracie martial-arts family, Carlos Gracie.

"Jiu-Jitsu is all about leverage," Bell told the outlet before going into the bonding experience with her daughter.

"it’s about using connection and distance. And doing it with my daughter brought us closer together."
"The first two classes were about using your voice, because if no one can hear you, you’ll never get any of your wants, hopes, or dreams."
"You have the right to take up the space that you take up, and to properly communicate with someone—to say yes or no.”