A Winooski, Vermont man has pleaded guilty to hate crime charges after he screamed racial slurs at a woman and her biracial 2-year-old daughter.
MyNBC5reports that Megan Gregory and her young daughter were leaving a local post office when they encountered 67-year-old Don E. Lindsay on his way into the building.
According to Gregory, Lindsay erupted in racist anger before he entered:
"Just because my daughter is mixed, he lashed out, with extreme anger. I've literally never seen anger like that....he's shouting back 'proud to be a racist' 'white power,' all this crazy nonsense."
Additional details about the incident came when Gregory gave a lengthier explanation in a Facebook post.
"...a man in his late 60s first verbally attacked myself and my daughter telling me to 'get your f***ing black negro child out of the way' and when I confronted him back 'my f***ing what!!!' he lunged forward to attack myself and my daughter trying to harm her..."
But the ordeal didn't end there. Gregory faced more threats when she attempted to ensure Lindsay faced consequences.
"As he tried to flea the scene so he could not be identified I followed him all the way to CCV parking garage as he screamed extremely racist things and words that should never come out of someone's mouth at myself and my daughter 'N*** lover, African F***er, White Power'..."
"I kept yelling back at him calling him a 'racist a**hole' and 'i will expose you and being arrested you are not getting away with this' "
Lindsay then doubled down on the racist remarks.
" 'Proud to be a racist, get out of my town, White Power' turning around flipping me off yelling more repeating himself, did not care about what he said or his actions in front of my 2.5 year old daughter because of her skin color."
The police affidavit following the incident captured Lindsay's total acknowledgement of what occurred:
"I was waiting to get into the post office lobby, she was taking forever and ever, but I'll admit I lost my patience."
"I don't like Blacks, I'm sorry I'm prejudice but I don't care. I was wrong."
Police say Vermont man allegedly yelled racial slurs at woman and her biracial childyoutu.be
Lindsay pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct with a hate crime enhancement charge.
Winooski Police Department's Lieutenant James Charkalis assured MyNBC5 that there is no tolerance for Lindsay's behavior.
"We condemn that kind of behavior and we want to make sure everyone feels safe in the community."
"Statements that were made that could be viewed as racially motivated we will certainly charge that individual or individuals with that crime."
People on Facebook were outright disgusted by Lindsay's behavior.
They gave Gregory and her daughter their support.
Paige Coyle/Facebook
Sandy Thomas/Facebook
Cindy Brady/Facebook
Neil Angcla/Facebook
Morgan Moss/Facebook
It is the unfortunate truth that such racism and aggression can be lurking around the corner no matter where you are.
One comment in Gregory's Facebook post offered a warning as well.
"Stay woke people think about what you're going to say ahead of time if it's defending someone or yourself because they are everywhere and not afraid to put hands on our Children!!"