On July 9, a home security camera captured a drunk man staggering outside a Nashville neighborhood after 2:30 am. Moments later Conese Halliburton and her children were terrified when a crash woke them up as the man broke into their home. The man was later identified as New York Police officer, Michael Reynolds.
It seems Reynolds was renting an AirBnB on the same block and in his drunken stupor broke into the wrong house. What happened next is unforgivable. When Halliburton's son told Reynolds to get out of their house, the officer unleashed a barrage of threatening racists attacks on the family.
A surveillance camera captured the audio as Reynolds screamed:
Try to shoot me, I'll break every bone in your F****** neck. You F****** N******."
It's no surprise that Halliburton is still struggling with the unprovoked fear of that night. She told WKRN:
It's traumatizing. I'm working on no sleep at all. I'm out here having nightmares. My kids are having nightmares. They're staying up all night because he's still out there.
No charges have been filed but a spokesperson for the Nashville police said the officer could be charged with a misdemeanor for aggravated trespassing.
Drunk or not, Twitter was outraged by the racist and toxic behavior.
The possible light charges did not sit well.
If criminal courts won't give justice, try the civil courts.
No family should be terrorized in their own home. We hope Halliburton receives the justice she is entitled to.