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Former 'Little Miss Flint' Brings Back Viral Photo From 2016 To Throw Some Serious Shade At Trump

Former 'Little Miss Flint' Brings Back Viral Photo From 2016 To Throw Some Serious Shade At Trump
@LittleMissFlint/Twitter; Alex Wong/Getty Images

In 2014, youth activist Mari Copeny began advocating for her community of Flint, Michigan under the moniker "Little Miss Flint.' For years, Flint has suffered from a lethal water crisis brought on by stratospheric lead levels in the community's drinking water.

Copeny met with then-candidate Donald Trump during the 2016 campaign, where Trump assured that he would fix the Flint water crisis within his first 100 days.

While the tireless work of local activists has lead to some improvements in the community, a recent study shows that a significant percentage of the community still has alarmingly high lead levels in its available water supply.

Four years to the day after her meeting with candidate Trump, Copeny tweeted a message to now-President Trump.

Copeny, who looks uneasy meeting Trump in the four year old picture, accused Trump of only using Flint to call out Michigan's former Republican governor, Rick Snyder.

Trump targeted Snyder in a series of tweets last week.

In December of 2016, then-President Barack Obama signed the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation Act of 2016, which awarded a $170 million grant toward repairing water infrastructure in Flint.

The grant wasn't officially approved by the Environmental Protection Agency until shortly after Trump took office, leading some to give the current President credit.

Copeny followed up her thread by telling followers that her encounter with Trump only lasted 10 seconds.

People agreed with Copeny's take on Trump.

Others were disturbed by the awkward picture.

Copeny included a call to donate to her filter fund—an effort to provide water filters and combat the national water crisis.