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Giuliani's Son Absurdly Tells Russian State TV That Americans 'Don't Want To Live Here' Anymore After FBI Raid

Giuliani's Son Absurdly Tells Russian State TV That Americans 'Don't Want To Live Here' Anymore After FBI Raid
RT America

Following the Department of Justice raid on his father's apartment and offices, Andrew Giuliani—son of Rudy Giuliani—has been making the rounds on television trying to convince anyone who will listen that carrying out a legitimate warrant is somehow un-American.

Giuliani is so eager to make his case he did the most American thing he could—go on Russian state-sponsored TV and talk about how Americans "don't want to live here" anymore.

You can see the interview here:

Appearing on Russia Today, which is widely recognized as a state-sponsored Russian propoganda network, Andrew Giuliani commented:

"The thing that's been amazing is over the last couple of weeks, how many people -- and some of these people are people who haven't talked to my father in five or ten years -- have come out and said, 'We may not have always agreed with your politics, but we completely agree this is absolutely the wrong thing to see our Justice Department politicize something as badly as they have.'"
"So it's been people who have been very strong Trump supporters and some who have not been Trump supporters."
"They don't want to live in a country where you're going to have a Justice Department that is going to politicize something to the point where a former president's personal counsel is going actually be spied on by the Justice Department."

Russia Today host Scottie Nell Hughes responded by saying:

"And that's very scary for just everyday citizens, cause like you said, if they do it him, they could do it to us and no one would probably even know."

What Hughes finds so scary is, of course, the rule of law, a core of the American justice system.

Anyone, even a lawyer to a former President, can be held accountable under the law.

Many people online said they'd be ok with the Giuliani's moving to Russia if that's what they really want.

Andrew Giuliani also falsely accused the government of hacking his father's iCloud account.

Investigators were given access with a warrant.

When it comes to the Giuliani family, it seems the apple doesn't fall so far from the tree.

Despite his best efforts, it seems Andrew Giuliani's comments did little to convince American viewers of his father's innocence. Perhaps he'll have better luck over in Russia.