Olubowale Victor Akintimehin, a rapper who goes by the stage name Wale, accidentally started a surprising Twitter argument among fans over whether jelly belongs on his favorite sandwich or not.
The rapper Tweeted:
"I don't know who needs to hear this , but jelly 100 percent belongs on a TurkeyBaconEggNCheese Sandwich."
We're not completely sure if that means "turkey bacon, egg, and cheese" or "turkey, bacon, egg, and cheese," but it's sparked quite the quarrel on Twitter.
Some people took great exception to the idea.
Another argument was waged in the comments over which type of jelly should be applied to the sandwich.
A majority seemed to be on team strawberry.
Some were team grape.
There was a sizeable apple jelly contingent as well.
Wale eventually weighed in with the answer.
Someone offered a non-jelly suggestion.
Wale was... less than enthusiastic about the idea.
He was also not a fan of another user's idea.
Some users turned out in definite support of the jelly-on-breakfast-sandwich idea.
If you haven't tried jelly on a breakfast sandwich, but like the combination of sweet and salty flavors, it might be time to give it a try. The combo seemed surprisingly popular.