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Virginia Senator's Technique For Making A Tuna Melt Has Some Viewers Feeling A Bit Queasy

Virginia Senator's Technique For Making A Tuna Melt Has Some Viewers Feeling A Bit Queasy

It seems we've officially reached the part of self-isolation where we've all lost our ever-loving minds.

People protesting for the right to die, mayors offering up their citizens as a social-distancing "control group", and that's before we get to the thirst spiral we all went down this week over Stanley Tucci making a negroni.

We've utterly lost it.

But no one has lost it like Senator Mark Warner, who recently took to Instagram to gleefully and proudly show off his technique for making a tuna melt that is so vile you're going to throw your phone across the room as soon as you see it. Hope you're ready!

Virginia Democrat Mark Warner is one of the good ones in Congress, so we want to let this slide. However, even he himself admits that his "staff tried to stop me from sharing this quarantine delicacy with the world."

Honestly, they should have tried harder.

This is an abomination.

lisa kudrow wtf GIF by The Comeback HBOGiphy

Where to even begin?

There are so many questions.

  • Why isn't the bread toasted?
  • Why isn't the mayonnaise and the tuna mixed together? This is unacceptable.

no way comedy GIF by CBCGiphy

We're not done there though.

There are still more questions to ask.

Steel yourself.

  • This looks like he's dumping cat food onto a sandwich—that's not a question but it needs to be stated for the record.

gross love and hip hop GIFGiphy

And finally, we must, we simply have no recourse, but to ask the toughest question of all.


How Dare You Greta GIFGiphy

Think of how offensively warm and needlessly wet that sandwich is. Imagine how badly that kitchen stinks.

This is a completely unnecessary assault on a population whose psyches are delicate and whose emotions are running high and when this pandemic is over we need a full inquest and tribunal. Is this what Virginia elected Mark Warner to do to the American people?

VOTE HIM OUT!!! (Just kidding, please do not do that, he's great.)

But this "sandwich"...

angry season 3 GIF by OutlanderGiphy

Anyway, as you might guess, the internet has completely lost its mind over this "tuna melt."

Even Warner's Washington colleagues were disturbed.

In fact Senator Kamala Harris was so concerned she dragged Warner onto Instagram Live to teach him how to... never do what he did ever again.

This is the kind of leadership we need in these times.

For his part, Senator Warner seems to have taken it all in stride.

At least now it can be about healing.

The book Melts: Over 50 Delicious Toasted & Grilled Sandwich Recipes is available here.