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Trump Dragged For Claiming Indigenous People Are The 'Most Angry' About Cleveland Guardians Name Change

Trump Dragged For Claiming Indigenous People Are The 'Most Angry' About Cleveland Guardians Name Change
Brandon Bell/Getty Image

Making sure to maintain his very interesting focus, Donald Trump took time away from making grandiose claims like he'd win an election over a George Washington/Abe Lincoln ticket and fundraising rallies to direct his anger at a baseball team dropping a racist name.

The Major League Baseball team based in Cleveland has changed it's name and mascot from an offensive caricature of Indigenous people akin to blackface to an alternative renaming the team the Cleveland Guardians.

The baseball franchise released a roll out video for the new name.

While most Americans and tribal members would be glad to be rid of overtly racist displays in our diverse country, the disgraced former President took offense.

Since Trump's Twitter ban is in full effect, despite his attempts to make a new account, Trump had his mouthpiece Liz Harrington post a statement on his behalf.

In the statement Trump said:

“...and I guarantee that the people who are most angry about it are the many Indians of our Country."
"Wouldn't it be an honor to have a team named the Cleveland Indians, and wouldn't it be disrespectful to rip that name and logo off of those jerseys?"

When he ended his rant Trump stated:

A small group of people, with absolutely crazy ideas and policies, is forcing these changes to destroy our culture and heritage. At some point, the people will not take it anymore!"

Twitter users who have not been banned clapped back.

Using your status and privilege to complain about a racist name being changed is a weird flex.

Meanwhile the current President embraced antiracism.

Despite Trump's claims, the National Congress of American Indians asked all sports teams in the United States to eliminate using Indigenous people as mascots.

Indigenous voices on Twitter show how out of touch Trump is.

Numerous studies showed such mascots are harmful to the mental health and self-esteem of Indigenous children.

Trump's record with Indigenous people is one fraught with racist statements. Why he decided he was now their spokesperson is inexplicable.