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TikToker Floored After Accidentally Being CC'ed On HR Email About Why They Wouldn't Hire Him

TikToker Floored After Accidentally Being CC'ed On HR Email About Why They Wouldn't Hire Him

Let's face it, job hunting is daunting for everyone, regardless of whether or not they have an extensive resume or higher education.

Most people who are lucky to land an interview won't even hear back from a potential employer if they're not the right fit. This lack of response forces applicants to be stuck in limbo and unsure if they should move on with their job search.

A TikToker named Alexander, a.k.a. @noveltygay, actually did find out he didn't land the job in an email, but it wasn't intended for him to read.

He was CC'd on the company's internal email indicating why they chose not to hire him.

He wrote in a text overlay for his TikTok video:

“Yeah breakups hurt and stuff but have y’all ever been CC’d on hr emails talking about why they don’t wanna hire you?”

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The screenshot Alexander shared in the video was taken from the ending portion of the company's HR email chain.

It read:

“Well that’s interesting ok so let’s reject him…”

This prompted others on TikTok to share their negative experiences with employers.





One TikToker said they would rather receive information like this rather than be "ghosted."


Alexander posted a follow-up video explaining he had applied for a "coffee company based in Utica" three times after the first two attempts didn't work out.

On his third application, Alexander said the company allegedly contacted him with an interview time and he failed to confirm.

He said:

"They basically supposedly had sent me an interview time for this company."
"I'd never gotten it."
"I tried later on and this email proved to me that they had thought they sent me interview times. They had not, and it was not my fault I didn't show up for an interview."

He said the response was triggering because he would never not show up for an interview, especially when he is "knocked on his a**, broke as sh*t."


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TikTokers shared their hunches about the company.





When Alexander sent them all the screenshots of their exchanges proving he didn't flake on the interview, he said "the company went silent."

He also said he received backlash on his DMs from people who are close with the owner of the coffee company, claiming he's "so nice."

"I don't care," said Alexander.

"I'm a hard worker...I have trained under nationally certified baristas and I'm not gonna be f'king putting up with sh*t" from a company that mistakenly CCs people on HR emails.

Hopefully Alexander's job hunt improves.