A man has sparked backlash on TikTok after appearing to shame his Tinder date for paying for her half of the date with coins.
TikToker @thewaterboy's video where he detailed his annoyed reaction his Tinder date was using coins to settle her part of the bill was not received with sympathy by fellow TikTokers.
@thewaterboy I decided to go out with her again and she does this… YOU CANT MAKE THIS UP! 💀
3.7 million views later and hardly anybody parroted @thewaterboy's annoyance with his date about the coins.
In fact, most of them actually think he probably deserved it and worse.
Viewers had several questions and even more epic roasts. For one, people could not get over one simple question: Why is she paying for the date, seemingly by herself?
For another, who takes out a camera while their date is paying for a meal (regardless of the method of currency being used) and shames them publicly on the internet?
But in order to come up with the more epic roasts, TikTok had to do a little digging.
@thewaterboy posts a lot of videos of himself on Tinder dates where he seems to take being mildly inconvenienced as the reason to make a video, but in scouring several of the videos on his channel, TikTokers realized that he can't drive; and this realization became the bedrock of many roasts.
It is unclear if @thewaterboy is planning on a third date with this woman, though that seems unlikely.
However, he has gone on several more dates and left videos complaining about them, while being similarly roasted.