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That World Record-Breaking Egg Just Used Its Platform To Shine A Light On Mental Health

That World Record-Breaking Egg Just Used Its Platform To Shine A Light On Mental Health
Photo via @world_record_egg/Instagram

A random post that went viral caused Kylie Jenner to be unseated as the most followed/engaged with Instagram user of all time.

On January 4th, 2019, an account simply titled "@world_record_egg" appeared and posted a picture of a plain brown egg, saying "Let's set a world record together and get the most liked post on Instagram. Beating the current world record held by Kylie Jenner (18 million)! We got this 🙌"

The egg went on to get over 52 million likes and ten million followers.

It then appeared to slowly start hatching:

It took a short detour during the Super Bowl:

Once the egg looked like it was about to crack, it revealed its true purpose.

World record egg egg

"Recently I've started to crack," says the egg.

"The pressure of social media is getting to me. If you're struggling too, talk to someone."

At the end of the video, the egg directed viewers to Mental Health America's website for help, should they need it.

Mental Health America politely thanked the egg.

The egg himself, aka Chris Godfrey, gave an interview with the New York Times where he revealed that this would only be the first of many causes the egg would help promote.

People were thrilled to see the egg spotlight such an important issue.

Hulu will be featuring all future egg-pisodes of the social media sensation:

Because of the egg, Mental Health America was able to screen 5,000 people for mental health conditions in just one day.

If you suspect yourself or a loved one is struggling with mental illness, now might be a great time to take this egg's advice.