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Former Police Dog Goes Viral For His Hilariously Quick Reaction To Hearing The Word 'Cocaine'

Former Police Dog Goes Viral For His Hilariously Quick Reaction To Hearing The Word 'Cocaine'

A retired police dog—who spent his professional life sniffing out illegal drugs and other contraband—has apparently had a little trouble letting the work go in his later years.

In a recent viral TikTok video the retiree pupper's new owner, Davey Rutherford, showed a fine example of how deep some dog training can go.

Recently, Rutherford decided to test out the German Shepherd named Dante. The doggo's crimefighting prowess was assessed as the two sat down to plan the day's grocery list.

You can see the video here:

The video showed Dante laying on the bed as Rutherford rattled off the goods—and included one surprise in there:

"Alright shopping list: bread, milk, pasta, eggs, mayo, cocaine…"

TikTok viewers couldn't get enough of Dante's reaction to a word from his former career.

Nicola Mackenzie989/TikTok

This Mama Jess/TikTok

Brenda Brokamp/TikTok

Many people who saw the clip enjoyed imagining exactly what was going through the dog's mind right in that moment.

And they felt sure they knew what Dante would have said if he could only talk.


Kolby Stutz/TikTok


Eli Tavendale/TikTok

Joanne Angove/TikTok

Salty Shake/TikTok

The clip was one of many posted to Rutherford's account.

Most show Dante enjoying his golden years in Queensland, Australia. That means hot tubs, long walks, and plenty of beach time.

The viral video offered a view of how police and military dogs—after all those years of danger—should be able to look forward to relaxing years after their job is done.