Whenever people meet for the first time, a commonly asked question is what they do for a living.
Learning about the different jobs people have is a great conversation starter and can reveal a lot about who they are.
People outside of the entertainment industry are always fascinated about my performing career, and it is a great opportunity to clarify any misconceptions about my career in the theater being just a "nice summer job."
Likewise, it is always just as interesting to hear about the specifics of the work other people do. And most impotantly, it's a connection – one that may come in handy somday.
Curious about the lives of strangers on the internet, Redditor nottheonefosho asked:
"What is your job and what does your day in the life look like?"

Hats Off To These Workers
These jobs may not be career goals for some, but we should be thankful there are those who enjoy taking care of the things we may not be so inclined to do.
Risky Business
"I'm an armed security guard for a night club. I get paid by shift, but if you do the math I make about $35 an hour. I get to work at 9pm and usually leave around 4am. I spend 92% of my nights checking ID's, playing on my phone and searching people for weapons. 8% of my nights breaking up fights or arguments. But I spend 100% of my nights hoping I don't get jumped, hit with a glass bottle, or shot."
Unsung Hero
"I'm an undertaker and depending on the day, I bring deceased into my care from hospital mortuaries or sometimes during the day I will get called out to a private address or care home/hospice. Majority of most days I will be out on funerals, driving the hearse/limousine and bearing the coffin into the crematorium or lowering into a grave.
I will prepare and dress the deceased ready for funerals and viewings. I will also line and fit coffins and engrave nameplates among general cleaning of the funeral home and vehicles. It can be pretty full on physically as well as emotionally, but I really appreciate my job and the comfort I can help bring to some families."
Lots Of Pools To Clean
"I service swimming pools in Florida. I do 20 a day. 100 a week. I balance chemicals and make these pools pretty for my homeowners. Even after 20 years at the same company I still love my job."
Literary Rewards
Books seem to be a passion for these Redditors, who work in jobs that involve editing or handling a variety of tomes.
The Editor
"I'm a bookeditor! Some days usually start with random check-ins and meetings, most are just checking emails and working. 90% of the time I'm editing spellings, making sure stories are coherent, checking if the plot makes sense and/or editing and adding pictures to books!"
Like Christmas Every Day
"I work books in a thrift store. My day is like Christmas morning and a round of Russian roulette all at once since I never know what's going to be inside a box. 200 Harlequin romance novels? Hardcover hand painted books from the 1700s? A newspaper from the day Kennedy was shot? Human teeth? Grandma's bank paranoia cash stash? Literal cat poop? Porn mags? Who knows, not me!"
Training And Skillsets
These jobs require skill but as one Redditor said, learning new skills and getting a job in those fields can open up opportunities that can change your life for the better.
Surveying And Digging
"I'm an archaeologist. A lot of archaeologists like me work in the construction industry, rather than for a university or a museum."
"Basically, anytime someone wants to build something, the land has to get surveyed for anything that could be archaeologically significant. My company gets hired to survey the site. If we find stuff, we often get hired to dig it up. Most days are spent walking through woods and farmer fields. We check for evidence of sites, dig small test pits and make lots of maps. Sometimes we find a cool site and get to spend a few weeks fully excavating it."
Wine Cellar Designer
"I design high end wine cellars for a living. I work in a 3d modeling program all day. Most days are drawing 'small' wine cellars to hold 250-1000 bottles of wine, but every few weeks we get a request for a design to hold 10,000 bottles. We design, manufacture, and ship all over the world. They're incredibly expensive but the quality is unmatched. 10,000 bottle cellar would cost somewhere in the neighborhood of $300,000 installed. Maybe more. The job has its drawbacks like any other, but for the most part I love what I do. Before this I worked in landscaping for 10 years, started using sketchup to design my hardscape projects to help me lay it all out and accurately figure material costs. Don't be afraid to learn a new skill, it changed my life."
Things You Ride
One job requires operating a train, while the other requires maintaining a horse, of course.
Staying On Track
"Train driver."
"I arrive and pick up my schedule card for the day, I read through it and see if there are any safety notices relevant for the day. I make my way to my train either departing from the station or depot, following the schedule for stopping pattern on that trip. Breaks are put as part of the schedule, occasionally there are moments to snag a coffee here and there. There may be requirements to travel as a passenger depending on the work. Finishing up may be taking a train back to home station and stabling there/being relieved by a driver or shunting into the depot."
Animal Care
"I work in horse breeding, and it is horrible."
"I lost my job as a waitress during the pandemic and was looking for work, and thought 'hey, I rode horses for a while in high school, let's apply for this.' And the salary was better than a waitress..."
"But the work is just plain gross. Spending all day around stinky, horny-as-f'k stallions who want to f'k anything that moves (particularly if it smells like a mare), cleaning smegma out of horse penises...ugh. No fun. I'm not sure how I'm still here, except the money's good."
– nogus2
The Final Word
Every job has its drawbacks. But in challenging times, any job is better than no job – even if it entails "cleaning smegma."