Pets are a part of our family. They are just as quirky as humans. Sometimes, even quirkier.
We know our pets like we know our brothers and sisters. They are pieces of us. And we adore each and every bit of that.
And though they may have no idea of whether or not we notice their little quirks, we love pointing them out.
u/fluxifye asked:
What is a little fact about your pet?
Here are some of those answers.
Meowt Of Line
My cat is angry today because we got a new oven. She hates when we get new furniture or move things around and will loudly meow at the offending item.
I moved some stuff around on my porch, and my cat refused to go on it after that. The changes were not to her liking apparently
And He Was Mine Forever
He just showed up one day meowing at the door.
He wouldn't go away. Just meowing over and over like Meatloaf in Fight Club.
After a week or so I put a collar on him, assuming if he had a home to go to the owner would remove it.
Knocked on doors up and down the street to see if anyone had lost him.
Nobody had lost him so I gave up, opened the door and let him in.
Only For The Kids
Dyna (St. Bernard) will let my kids use her as (a pillow, a fort, a tractor, a sled pull, garbage disposal) if my 4 yr old calls the dog is up for whatever. If i try to get her to do anything it is too much effort and she just can't be bothered. "
Dyna please move, i cannot open this door" dog sigh, stretch in front of the door "Giant horse monster dog please move" sad dog eyes no movement on and on it goes she is 180lbs i cannot make her do anything she is not willing to do. But she adores my kids and i think thats all we really need in a family dog.
Love To Stand
We gave the gerbils a plate of sand to have a sand bath in, and instead all they do with it is stand in it. Not that they don't appreciate it - they often come to the top level of their cage to just go and stand in the sand, and then they go back down again. We don't really understand what the appeal is, but it's very sweet nonetheless.
Wrapped Around Your Finger
My Maine Coon can do various actions on command (if suitably rewarded - no treats = no tricks) including sit, lie down, high five, kisses. He knows the command "show me", and will walk you to the thing that he's upset about (empty food bowl, light on when it shouldn't be). He knows about 50 phrases and will react to them in a manner that lets me know he understands.
Nevertheless he has me far more well-trained than I have him, and he knows it.
We Love Affectionate Noodles
Our cat was "feral." He was rescued from an apartment complex with the intent to just neuter, so he has the tip of his ear cut, but someone decided to foster him and put him up for adoption. He's now a one year old fluffy black cat that has never hissed or tried to claw at us (even when we had to give him a bath) and falls over/goes limp noodle when you try to pick him up.
I Skype Too
I've read that cats like to "mirror" what we're doing, if they're really attached to us. Like it makes them feel included or something. My girl, Cleo, likes to try to climb all over and rub her face on mine and my friend's laptops. And stick her face in the camera when he's doing Skype meetings for work or interviews. It can be mildly annoying, but at the same time, it's so damn charming because she just wants to be involved, too.
I Am Friend To The Meeses
My doggo likes rodents cause I used to have pet mice and guinea pigs so when field mice infested my house she wasn't any help cause all she would do is try to be their friend.
She also rests her head on pillows like a human.
She's a very good girl.
Team Fly-Swatting
Cat 1: he hates being home alone and cries when he thinks I'm gone, yet won't come in the room and snuggle when I say it's ok I'm over here. Just looks at me like "oh ok" and walks away.
Cat 2: he's a little hunter boi and loves flies, ants, lizards, you name it. He's got this little chatter "battle cry" that signals he spotted something. He also like me to pick him up and hold him in the air to swat at the flies since he can't reach.
Dog 1: he's the fastest dog at the dog park
Dog 2: she poops on my porch because she thinks it's "outside"
Raised In Captivity
He's a a 6-month-old puppy named Murray. Here's some little facts:
His favourite food is toast but he doesn't get it often.
His current favourite activity is stealing plastic bottles from the recycling.
He also enjoys stealing socks, pens, bobbles and the hair brush.
He absolutely loves attention and shows off his toys to anyone who passes the garden.
He also loves the wind and likes chasing leaves when out for a walk.
He hates water. He won't go out in the rain and is not a fan of baths.
He's been growing up during lockdown, so the first time we had a visitor round he peed himself in excitement.
Speaking off lockdown, he also enjoys stealing face masks. If he sees you wearing one he will be determined to get it off you.