At times, celebrities can feel like the very fiction they often portray.
After all, your chances of running into Tom Cruise at any random time are only slightly better than running into a real version of Ethan Hunt, right?
But there is a chance, and if you're lucky enough (or in some cases, unlucky enough), you can share the encounter with people online.
Twitter user Michael Segalov got curious, and asked the internet to share their most surreal instances of random celebrity encounters.
And people were only too happy to respond. The specific wording on the question was intriguing as well.
It didn't ask for someone's "best" or "worst" encounter. It asked for most surreal.
Celebrities are just like us, ya know, human?
Sometimes they need to eat. Sometimes they need to use the restroom. And sometimes they just want to bring people joy.
Sometimes, they want to give you a show.
Other times you have to ask if the power and fame have gone to their heads. After all, who can remain connected to the rest of humanity when so many lift you above it?
While the best examples are the legendary stories of random encounters with Bill Murray, plenty more people have had weird run-ins with other celebrities.
People were very quick to share all the weird and weirdly good times they met celebrities.
But sometimes it's not the celebrity. Sometimes it's you. Sometimes you mess up.
Yes, you are also just like us. You need to eat. You need to use the restroom.
And you can be just as awkward as anyone.
And sometimes you are a celebrity yourself whose story is the best thing ever written on the internet.
If reading about awkward celebrity encounters is your cup of tea, journalist Kate Coyne penned an entire book of I'm Your BiggestFan: Awkward Encounters and Assorted Misadventures in Celebrity Journalism is availablehere.