With a victory for Democratic nominee Joe Biden over President Donald Trump looking more and more inevitable, the President is refusing to accept a loss.
In the culmination of a months-long campaign to sow distrust in American democracy, Trump and his campaign are falsely insisting–without evidence—that widespread voter fraud in Biden's favor occurred on a scale enough to tip the election.
Trump gave a press conference on Thursday evening to claim that he "easily" won the election if only the "legal" votes were counted, falsely implying that the millions of mail votes cast for Biden were illegal.
The screed, given from the East Room of the White House, alarmed Americans across the country. For the first time in modern American history, a likely losing incumbent would not concede in the face of defeat.
As with many of Trump's scandals and gaffes over the years, Republican lawmakers and political figures were left with the choice of standing up for long-established norms or defending Trump's actions to remain in the good graces of his devout supporters.
The President's sons, Don Jr. and Eric, didn't think this was happening fast enough.
The total lack of action from virtually all of the “2024 GOP hopefuls" is pretty amazing.
They have a perfect platform to show that they're willing & able to fight but they will cower to the media mob instead.
Don't worry @realDonaldTrump will fight & they can watch as usual!
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) November 5, 2020
Where are Republicans! Have some backbone. Fight against this fraud. Our voters will never forget you if your sheep! https://t.co/jLzOIJbrwV
— Eric Trump (@EricTrump) November 5, 2020
One of those "2024 hopefuls" mentioned by Don Jr. is Trump's former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley, who posted a tweet saying "the law must be followed."
We all owe @realDonaldTrump for his leadership of conservative victories for Senate, House, & state legislatures. He and the American people deserve transparency & fairness as the votes are counted. The law must be followed. We have to keep the faith that the truth will prevail.
— Nikki Haley (@NikkiHaley) November 5, 2020
Continuing his legacy of fealty to the Trump administration and those in its web, far-right Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL) raged against Haley for not coming to Trump's defense vocally enough.
Gaetz made sure to make the President's sons proud, with Eric Trump "liking" the tweet.
While some of us are fighting for President Trump...
Nikki Haley is eulogizing him.
Sad! https://t.co/vuaHk4pha2
— Matt Gaetz (@mattgaetz) November 5, 2020
But Twitter users thought the display of devotion was pathetic.
The utterly predictable end of the Trump presidency:
Nikki Haley fleeing the body; Matt Gaetz humping the corpse. https://t.co/kQyc9kuevC
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@TheRealHoarse) November 5, 2020
Matt Gaetz will try his best to emulate Trump in the future in the hope of getting his voters with him. That'll be sad. https://t.co/VJ5UioiZVx
— Heidar (@TheorePhysics) November 6, 2020
Your stupidity is absolutely astounding. https://t.co/3TRV65WCHi
— John Dandridge (@jonthetherapist) November 6, 2020
Sycophant to the bitter end. Why don't you join dear leader in the bunker and wait for the inevitable collapse of Berlin... ...I mean Trump's presidency? https://t.co/bPRNxA4EFT
— CW Williams (@CloydWilliams) November 5, 2020
Keep tweeting like that and maybe he will get your name right one day https://t.co/aH5QpoKVuA
— Sam (@jett209) November 6, 2020
It wasn't the only instance of Republican infighting this week.
The QAnon conspiracy theorist turned Congresswoman-elect, Marjorie Taylor-Greene (R-GA), took aim at longtime Trump devotee Congressman Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) for not fighting hard enough for Trump.
The time to STAND UP for @realDonaldTrump is RIGHT NOW!
Republicans can't back down.
This loser mindset is how the Democrats win.
President Trump has fought for us, we have to fight for him.
We won't forget. Trust me. https://t.co/rN83otNxZd
— Marjorie Taylor Greene 🇺🇸 (@mtgreenee) November 6, 2020
The exchange only devolved into more nonsense from there.
Did you even read past the first sentence? Or are you just purposely lying so you can talk tough? No one said give up. I literally said investigate every irregularity and use the courts. You're a member of Congress now, Marjorie. Start acting like one. https://t.co/47a7Gqq4lH
— Dan Crenshaw (@DanCrenshawTX) November 6, 2020
I read every word.
Why are you “leading" with losing?
Our Republican base is sick and tired of weakness coming from Congress.
I'm doing exactly what the people of NW Georgia elected me to do.
I hope you'll join me. https://t.co/o7W6sL6G40
— Marjorie Taylor Greene 🇺🇸 (@mtgreenee) November 6, 2020
After four years of sycophancy to Trump from Republican lawmakers, some took joy in seeing them fight over Trump's favor in the face of his near-inevitable loss.
oh my god its too much im dying of laughter https://t.co/lptCVDLoEy
— Oliver Willis (@owillis) November 5, 2020
you love to see it https://t.co/uddrCxiYWE
— Oliver Willis (@owillis) November 6, 2020
The Republican Party is going to tear itself apart and I am HERE FOR IT. https://t.co/Bjg7ow2qzY
— Your Ghost Host (@DisneyFGO) November 5, 2020
Watching them implode is so incredibly fun. https://t.co/LeHbTVCF7v
— Dr. Eric Cervini (@ericcervini) November 6, 2020
Votes across the nation continue to be counted.