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People Are Threatening To Drive To Nevada To Count Votes Themselves If They Don't Hurry The F*** Up

People Are Threatening To Drive To Nevada To Count Votes Themselves If They Don't Hurry The F*** Up

Election day was on Tuesday, November 3, but two days later America is still waiting to find out who will be their next President come 2021.

Though Joe Biden was six electoral votes away from claiming the Presidency on the evening of November 5, Nevada, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Georgia are still counting mail-in ballots.

Winning Nevada, where Joe Biden held a narrow lead, would put the Democrat over the threshold needed to win the White House, but the counting of mail-in ballots seemed to stretch on forever, with no end in sight.

For many Twitter users, the anxiety became so great that they threatened to travel to Nevada and start counting ballots themselves.

With potential days until the final outcome was finally known, Twitter prepared for the long haul.

At least many people took solace in the creation of new Twitter memes joking about the Nevada outcome.

Internet users used jokes to hide their fear.

Nevada had better get its act together before the rest of the country loses their collective minds.

While the country waited with baited breath for election results, at least they can take some solace in the fact that Twitter was as fun and relatable as ever.