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Couples Who Have Moved In Together Share The Most Awkward Thing About Cohabitation

Let's live together....

Couples Who Have Moved In Together Share The Most Awkward Thing About Cohabitation

Living together takes patience and faith. Faith in others and ourselves. Living with someone is more than a love relationship... it's also a social experiment. It shows us how much we can endure.

Redditor u/CrumbleNewman wanted to discuss living in sin.... or life after sin with commitment by asking..... Couples who have moved in together, what surprised you most about living with a male/female?

Don't Blink...


Apparently the cat I raised since she was a kitten and loved more than life itself is more than willing to abandon me and love someone else much more in a blink of an eye. _banana_panda_

The Methods.....

Methods of storage

Me - method to madness

Her - organized

Several conversations have gone like this:

Me - "where is my blue notebook it was on this shelf under my components box"

Her - "I cleaned up and organized everything"

Me - "Ok where is it?"

Her - "I don't know why don't you keep track of your stuff" dancing_apples

Check In.


If you and your partner are in different rooms one of them will randomly decide to just "check in" by opening the door, smile and then going back to their separate room. meghanlyy

Let's Get Clean Clothes....

After living with him for 4 years, I opened a drawer of "his" dresser... And it was empty. All of it. Apparently he thought it was my extra dresser.

He doesn't use a dresser. Clothes get washed and put into a "clean clothes" hamper. He puts socks and underwear in his bedside table.

Now I'm wondering what other furniture in our house is empty? waineofark

Who are you talking to?

How much I actually talk to myself.

I never had any roommates, aside from one for like the first two weeks in college before I got moved to a single room, so I was used to just talking to myself out loud like nothing. After we moved in together and she kept asking "Who are you talking to?" and "Did you say something?" I realized that I actually talk to myself quite a bit. -eDgAR-

That's All!


He peed in the sink. That's all. SumAngrySalmon

The Towels... 

Learning that there's a wrong way to fold towels apparently. math9958

My fiancee doesn't get upset about folding towels but she did inherit a towel problem from her grandma. Decorative towels. In the kitchen and in the bathroom there are pretty towels with quotes and stuff. I hate it. What a useful item to put on display. It is literally meant to be wiped with and we aren't supposed to touch them. agentdramafreak

Tetris Forever! 

She's good at playing Tetris and very organized.

I was living with my parents since I traveled for work and only made it home one or two weekends a month. she moved in with me at my parent's house, we had one room to store stuff; my bedroom. we bought things we'd need when we moved out when we saw a deal too good to pass up and she stored them.

I realized she was good when we had to make 4 trips to get all our stuff out. 4 trips. this girl had boxes inside boxes inside boxes. she utilized every inch available in our room to stack items.

we just bought a house and still have some boxes left to unpack. I will call her at work and say something like "hey, do you remember that blue paper clip I like to use? I can't find it." she will tell me which room, which box, what container, and what is beside it, just in case I still can't find it. becelav

Car Keys.


How often I'd be helping her find her car keys.

Eventually, I put up a hook that I was able to get her in the habit of using.

Made me tear up a little at the time, but a couple weeks after we split I remember getting a text from her that said "I miss being able to find my keys." JohnyUtah_

Le Miz....

I was told that we would start arguing and being miserable. It ended up feeling like a super awesome constant sleep over. Don't let people scare you into not moving in with a significant other if that is what you both want.
