History indicates that Presidents are most needed during times of national crisis and reckoning.
Anti-Trump Republican group, The Lincoln Project, is highlighting the ways in which leadership matters with a new ad that uses former Presidents Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama's words during times of tragedy.
Against that backdrop, the ad then contrasts the words of President Donald Trump during this current time of unrest -- due to a movement in protest of systemic racism as well as an unrelenting pandemic -- with those of Democratic nominee Joe Biden, and paints a very clear picture.
Watch below.
Biden is the clear choice when it comes to compassionate and decent leadership. In a battle of heart, mind, and character @JoeBiden wins by a landslide. We need to ensure that's reflected in the vote this November. pic.twitter.com/338AECInep
— The Lincoln Project (@ProjectLincoln) June 25, 2020
The video opens with Ronald Reagan's invocation of the poem High Flight in the wake of the Challenger explosion:
"We will never forget them, nor the last time we saw them as they 'slipped the surly bonds of earth' to 'touch the face of God.'"
It then switches to Bill Clinton's consolation after the Oklahoma City Bombing, Bush's words delivered through a megaphone atop the wreckage of Ground Zero, and Obama's spontaneous singing of Amazing Grace at the funeral of the nine Black worshipers murdered at the hands of a White supremacist in Charleston.
That's when things take a turn.
The ad highlights Donald Trump's response to Americans protesting the murder of George Floyd and other Black Americans by police.
Trump says:
"I am dispatching thousands and thousands of heavily armed soldiers...We dominate the streets."
It then takes on a more aspirational tone, with Biden's words:
"I won't traffic in fear and division. I won't fan the flames of hate...It's time to pick up our heads and remember who we are."
People commended the effectiveness of the ad.
Sitting here in tears. Thank you so much for helping us in this fight to a return to decency and saving our country.
— Jackie (@YatkoChronicles) June 25, 2020
Quite possibly THE best @ProjectLincoln ad so far. The current incumbent of the WH has none of attributes of the previous Presidents pic.twitter.com/89QuRTEJg6
— sally roberts (@skichick4) June 25, 2020
Powerful. Poignant. Much appreciated.
— Barbara Malmet (@B52Malmet) June 25, 2020
Best one yet. Gave me goosebumps and I'm Canadian!
— Laurie Nadon (@lnadon3) June 25, 2020
I won't lie, this gave me chills and made me tear up. He really does give hope back to the weary souls I feel so many of us are carrying. Can't wait to for 11/3/20! #Biden2020
— Sara Mallion (@smallion) June 25, 2020
I've seen all your ads.
I love them all...but this one truly left me speechless.
Air it every hour on Fox News.#MorningJoe #COVID19 #Biden2020 #MSNBC @realDonaldTrump
— Evan (@daviddunn177) June 25, 2020
It motivated many Twitter users to mobilize against Trump with their votes.
Indeed, it is time to remember who we are as Americans: we are far better than Trumpism. It is time to repudiate the hate, bigotry, divisiveness, lies, corruption and utter incompetence.
— Publius (@ThePubliusUSA) June 25, 2020
It'll be my first time ever voting blue. The country needs effective leadership not dictatorship.
— Jean (@jeantmo1) June 25, 2020
I'm bawling my eyes out.
We need to return to decency.
Setting politics aside, in times of crisis, we need a leader who can empathize. We need a leader who can console. We need a leader to cry with & to lean on.
We haven't had that in trump. Never will. He's not capable of that.
— Jo (@JoJoFromJerz) June 25, 2020
It reminds me that even the presidents whose policies I vehemently disagreed with still had moments of humanity, humility & inspiration. I miss that and look forward with hope to electing @JoeBiden as the president who will restore humanity to the WH.
— BReese (@bonniesue65) June 25, 2020
A recent poll of swing states shows Biden widening his lead ahead of Trump.