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Financial Expert's Live Interview Goes Hilariously Off The Rails After His Son Decides To Crash It

Financial Expert's Live Interview Goes Hilariously Off The Rails After His Son Decides To Crash It
Aggi Cantrill/Bloomberg News

A wholesome and hilarious video has gone viral.

In the time of the Coronavirus pandemic, much of the work world has gone virtual.

To keep people safe and avoid spreading the virus many people started working from home, using virtual conference apps such as Zoom or Google Meet.

This has resulted in a plethora of hilarious trolling and video-bombing from family and pets during what are supposed to be serious and productive meetings between coworkers.

And now adding to the collection of adorable virtual trolling, we have German finance expert Jacob Funk Kirkegaard and his young son.

Kirkegaard recently appeared in a live virtual interview on Bloomberg News to discuss the German financial industry when his son decided to steal the show.

Watch the video here:

In the video, Kirkegaard, a senior fellow at the German Marshall fund, was in the middle of his interview with Bloomberg News host Jonathan Ferro when his son stepped into frame.

His son then smiled and waved to the camera, which caused everyone to laugh.

Kirkegaard's son took the laughter as an invitation to keep up his antics.

Kirkegaard then attempted to subtly push his son off screen before he gave in and let his son have the spotlight.

Kirkegaard attempted to continue his interview, but was cut short when his son grabbed a staple remover and began waving it in front of the camera.

Ferro then jokingly asked Kirkegaard:

"Does your son work for the Greek government?"

The clip has been making rounds online after being shared on Twitter by Bloomberg News producer Aggi Cantrill. The video now has over 17,000 views.

The Twitter community has found the clip hilariously adorable.

While Kirkegaard was supposed to be the guest of the hour, it seems that his son was the true star of the show. Like father like son, I suppose!