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Dwayne Johnson Makes His First-Ever Presidential Endorsement With Video Backing Biden And Harris

Dwayne Johnson Makes His First-Ever Presidential Endorsement With Video Backing Biden And Harris
Isabel Infantes/Getty Images

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson describes himself as a "registered independent with centrist ideologies" and has voted for both parties over the years.

Johnson has typically avoided voicing his political beliefs publicly, but in the midst of the controversial 2020 election year, the star felt it was time for his first-ever presidential endorsement in support of candidates Joe Biden and Senator Kamala Harris.

Watch the video below.

Johnson came together with Biden and Harris in a virtual meeting via his YouTube channel. Both candidates greeted The Rock enthusiastically, with Biden exclaiming "It's DJ!" and Harris expressing her support of his films.

Johnson made the point that his endorsement wasn't done lightly, saying:

"I have been a lucky guy over the years in my life and my career to have been part of and participated in some real defining moments, and I've never publicly endorsed a presidential candidate or vice-presidential candidate in my life over my career."

The Fast and Furious and Jumanji star praised Harris' tenacity on the senate floor and former Vice President Biden's leadership as having "great compassion and heart and drive, but also soul."

During the discussion Johnson touched on the level of distrust many citizens have for political candidates, asking how the duo intend to "earn the respect of all the American people."

Biden stressed the importance of accountability, acknowledging failures, and having an administration representing all of America. He said:

"By doing what we say we're going to do. By keeping our word. By leveling with the American people. By taking responsibility. When we fail, acknowledge it. We're not going to be perfect, but take responsibility."

And he added:

"Say, 'This is what I'm going to do. This is what I believe.' And tell the truth, our administration, DJ, is going to look like America. It's going to be representative of all of America."

Sen. Harris also emphasized the importance of transparency with constituents who already face struggles due to the pandemic:

"You must speak truth, but here's the reality: Truth can sometimes be really difficult to hear. And for that reason sometimes people don't speak it. But you cannot have trust if you don't speak truth,"
"That has to be part of the core of what we do as we go forward because, to your point, we're facing as a country so many challenges, and people are grieving."

She continued:

"I mean, people are grieving the loss of life, the loss of jobs, the loss of certainty, the loss of normalcy. And to heal and get through this, we're gonna have to be honest about what healing will require."

There were some Twitter users who could not get past the conspiracy theories.

Overall, Twitter was filled with support for Johnson's first Presidential endorsement.

Johnson himself could relate to the worry caused by the virus, as he and family are currently recovering after a positive test two weeks ago. He agreed with their call for transparency in the White House, saying:

"When you're honest with a scenario and people who you care about, ... it leads right into making progress but through a humanity."

We hope everyone is able to stay safe, healthy, and vote with good conscience this election year.