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'American Idol' Contestant Quits The Show After Calling Out Katy Perry's 'Hurtful' Mom-Shaming Joke

Early front runner Sarah Beth dropped out after the first round of Hollywood week after previously calling out the 'American Idol' judge's comment.

Sarah Beth; Katy Perry

A huge variety of people try out for shows like American Idol.

Earlier this season, Sarah Beth Liebe tried out for the show.

Liebe was adorable with her curly red hair and young-looking face. The judges were surprised to find out Liebe was a 25-year-old mother of three.

When Katy Perry found out how old Liebe was and how many children she had, she mock-fainted.

Liebe joked she would pass out if Perry laid on the table.

Perry's response made viewers as well as Liebe feel uncomfortable.

“Honey, you’ve been laying on the table too much!”

While Liebe appeared to take the joke in stride, she later took to TikTok to express her feelings about the comment.

“Katy Perry made a joke that wasn’t super-kind. … It was embarrassing to have that on TV. … I think that mom-shaming is super-lame.”

You can see the video here:


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When Liebe returned for the first round of Hollywood Week, she abruptly quit the show.

Perry pleaded with her to stay.

Liebe didn't cite Perry's comment as her reason for leaving.

Instead she told the judges her children needed her and she wanted to go home to them.

“This opportunity is really rad, but this is actually going to be my last performance, because my heart’s at home."
"So, I’m going get home to my babies. They kind of need me.”

Liebe added:

“I don’t even know what show business is."
"I’ve been a mom since I was 18. I’ve been married since I was 18. … I don’t think I realized quite how hard it would be to be away from my kids."
"They’re all still really young. …"
"There is a lot of guilt when you leave your kids to do something completely selfish.”


Despite the judges trying to convince her to stay, she chose to leave and go home to her children.

“I’m really humbled and grateful, and Katy had some really nice things to say."
"It would be nice if my kids were a little older. I understand how big of an opportunity this is, but I still kind of want to get home."
"I am sure when I get home, I will regret it and be like, ‘Man, you should have stayed'."

You can see the video of her audition here:

Many people took to social media to give Liebe their support.

Several also expressed disappointment with Perry's comment.

Others defended Perry.

At the end of the day, there are certain things you just don't joke about with someone you don't know, especially on live television.

While Perry might not have meant any harm by the comment, it was appropriately called out as slut-shaming and mom-shaming.

Please do better.