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Colorado Cops Arrested After Bodycam Video Shows Them Choking And Pistol-Whipping Unarmed Man

Colorado Cops Arrested After Bodycam Video Shows Them Choking And Pistol-Whipping Unarmed Man

Bodycam footage exposed a cop choking and pistol-whipping an unarmed Black man by the name of Kyle Vinson, age 29, in Colorado.

Once again, the misconduct occurred in Aurora, Colorado where unarmed Black man Elijah McClain was killed by police for looking suspicious while walking home after committing no crime.

Aurora Police Chief Vanessa Wilson released the footage to the public as she believes they "have a right to know."

Vinson was repeatedly heard yelling:

"You're killing me! You're killing me, bro!"

Police Officer John Haubert repeatedly hit Vinson over the head for not turning over onto his stomach, but the video shows he was on his stomach and was slowly putting his hands out in front of him as instructed. However, Vinson was sure he did not have a warrant out for his arrest and he was being wrongly arrested.

After several minutes of struggle, the body camera falls off of Haubert as he's putting his hand on Vinson's neck.

A second police officer, Officer Francine Martinez, was there assisting but continued to pull on Vinson's shirt instead of stopping Haubert from hitting and choking Vinson.

Haubert could be heard saying:

"If you move I will shoot you."
"Stop fighting."

Officer Martinez's bodycam footage was also released with Haubert's. It showed Vinson crying, pleading to not kill him and shouting for help as Haubert's hand was around his neck.

Other officerd arrived on the scene. Then you could here Vinson begging for water.

He said:

"I was just fighting for my life, man."
"You guys beat me up."

Both officers have been arrested.

Haubert was charged with attempted first decree assault, second degree assault, felony menacing, official oppression, and 1st degree official misconduct. Martinez was charged with duty to intervene and duty to report use of force by a peace officer.

Chief Wilson said at the press conference before showing the video:

"This video will shock your conscience."
"It is very disturbing."

Chief Wilson also said:

"We're disgusted, we're angry. This is not police work."

Although Wilson warned the city not to paint the force with a "broad brush," this is not the first incident of police violence against Black men.

In 2019, 23-year-old Elijah McClain died of lethal ketamine injections and being placed in a choke hold by police in Aurora. The petition to seek justice for McClain now has over five million signatures.

Wilson said their force is focused on training and reform and the consequences for actions such as these would be firing.

Wilson said:

"This was an anomaly."
"And I'm just thankful Mr. Vinson is alive."




Haubert was arrested but has since posted bail as of Monday. Police public information officer Chris Amsler said officer Martinez turned herself in but was released on $1,000 bond.

Reid Elkus, Haubert's attourny, said:

"We will be zealously defending Officer Haubert."

In the affidavit, the investigating officer wrote:

"It does not appear ... that Mr. Vinson had used any force against Officer Haubert or Officer Martinez."
"Mr. Vinson complied with Officer Haubert's orders."

Vinson sustained no serious injury, but was admitted to the hospital for welts and six stitches needed on his head.