The Bachelor franchise is back with another spin-off show: The Bachelor Winter Games. In the new reality show, former Bachelors and Bachelorettes from across the world will join in "a global celebrity of unity and love." The contestants come from countries like the US, the UK, Australia, Finland, Sweden, Germany, Switzerland, China and Japan.
How does it work? The contestants will participate in winter sport-related competitions. The winners of the competitions receive a date card that they can use for a one-on-one. The "games" include skiing, biathlon and ice-dancing.
There are 12 contestants from the US and 14 contestants from overseas. Here's who they are:
USA Contestants
Lauren Griffin, USA, 26 (Season 22; Arie Luyendyk Jr's Season)
Ashley Iaconetti, 29, USA (Season 19; Chris Soules Season)
Jamey Kocan, 33, USA (Season 13; Rachel Lindsay's Season)
Dean Unglert, 26, USA (Season 13; Rachel Lindsay's Season)
Bibiana Juliana, 30, USA (Season 22; Arie Luyendyk Jr's Season)
Eric Bigger, 29, USA (Season 13; Rachel Lindsay's Season)
Michael Garofola, 37, USA (Season 9; Desiree Hartsock's Season)
Clare Crawley, 36, USA (Season 18; Juan Pablo's Season)
Lesley Murphy, 30, USA (Season 17; Sean Lowe's Season)
Josiah Graham, 29, USA (Season 13; Rachel Lindsay's Season)
Luke Pell, 33, USA (Season 12; JoJo Fletcher's Season
Ben Higgins, 29, USA (Season 20)
Foreign Contestants
Natassia Yaramchuk, 26, Sweden (Season 3 in Sweden)
Natassia Yaramchuk, ABC
Jordan Mauger, 34, New Zealand (Season 2 in New Zealand)
Jordan Mauger, ABC
Tiffany Scanlon, 31, Australia (Season 4 in Australia)
Kevin Wendt, 33, Canada (Season 1 in Canada)
Laura Blair, 29, UK (Season 1 in UK)
Courtney Dober, 31, Australia (Season 2 in Australia)
Zoe Tang, 25, China (Season 1 in China)
Zoe Tang, ABC
Ally Thompson, 24, New Zealand (Season 3 in New Zealand)
Lily McManus, 21, New Zealand (Season 3 in New Zealand)
Rebecca Carlson, 26, Sweden (Season 3 in Sweden)
Rebecca Carlson, ABC
Benoit Beauséjour-Savard, 31, Canada (Season 1 in Canada)
Yuki Kimura, 21, Japan (Season 1 in Japan)
Jenny Helenius, 34, Finland (Season 1 in Finland)
Christian Rauch, 34, Switzerland and Germany (Season 1)