Despite her far right ideology, media personality Ann Coulter is a staunch critic of President Donald Trump, usually criticizing him for not being extreme enough.
The New York Times recently published its two part report summarizing the hundreds of millions of dollars in debt racked up by Trump, along with news that Trump—who claims to be a billionaire—only paid $750 in taxes in 2016 and 2017.
The news sparked discourse about the lenience United States tax codes extends to the super rich.
Coulter pointed out this disparity as well, but inexplicably blamed Democrats as a whole.
I don't think the conservative take on @realDonaldTrump paying no taxes should be: BECAUSE HE'S SMART!
I've paid nearly 50% of my income in taxes, year after year, and any system that allows billionaires to pay ZERO is unspeakable corrupt.
How about changing it, Democrats?
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) September 29, 2020
Democrats have long supported increased taxes for the super wealthy. A slate of Democrats in the 2020 presidential primaries called for a marginal tax rate for multimillionaires of up to 70 percent.
These have all but unilaterally been opposed by the GOP despite Democratic efforts.
People didn't hesitate pointing this out to Coulter.
Um.... you don't think Democrats have tried to change it, but been blocked time and time again by GOP establishment that protects the super-rich?!?
— Sally Kohn (@sallykohn) September 29, 2020
Here ya go...
— Warren Gunnels (@GunnelsWarren) September 29, 2020
I'm pretty sure Donald Trump is running a commercial complaining that @JoeBiden plans to do just that.
Perhaps you should've considered this conundrum when you endorsed him over your shared support of white nationalism.
— Grant Stern (@grantstern) September 29, 2020
You're right, Ann — this is a corrupt system, but it almost entirely falls on Republicans.
It was Republicans who defunded the IRS year after year, until it couldn't afford to audit the rich and spent all its time challenging petty EITC claims.
— Matthew Chapman (@fawfulfan) September 29, 2020
Why only Democrats? Could it be because you know Republicans are crooked and would never change the tax laws to benefit everyday Americans? Donald Trump cheated on his taxes, there are already laws in place to hold cheaters accountable.
— Monica Fraker (@FrakerMonica) September 29, 2020
Others in support of increased taxes for the wealthy were surprised to find themselves agreeing with Coulter.
Ann Coulter is like a broken clock that's somehow only right once a year.
— the furious brow (@Furious_Brow) September 29, 2020
Can someone pls explain to me how I keep dimension jumping??
— Bradley Adam Stein (@BradleyAStein) September 29, 2020
I agree with Ann Coulter. Now I need to go brush my teeth with bleach to get the taste of those words out of my mouth.
— Katie Porter's White Board (@kpwhiteboard) September 29, 2020
Some Twitter users joked that it wasn't Coulter tweeting at all, but rather her kidnappers or even her dog.
Does Ann Coulter have a dog who has guessed her Twitter password?
— Edan Clay 🇺🇸 (@EdanClay) September 29, 2020
Whoever abducted @AnnCoulter should know... the US does not negotiate with terrorists.
— Billy Baldwin (@BillyBaldwin) September 29, 2020
Who hacked her account?
— Nico (@nicodegallo) September 29, 2020
Coulter has criticized Trump in the past for his immigration policy, claiming that it wasn't far enough to the right.