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Viral Photo Of A Soccer Fan's Drinks Exploding As He's Hit By A Ball Has Twitter LOLing Hard

Viral Photo Of A Soccer Fan's Drinks Exploding As He's Hit By A Ball Has Twitter LOLing Hard
@ElginCityFC/Twitter; @Euphoria1983/Twitter

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. If that's the case then we're guessing about 750 of the words this picture is worth need to be bleeped out.

This Saturday, during a football( soccer) match in Scotland, photographer Fraser Johnstone managed to capture a picture that has Twitter cracking up at someone else's misfortune and how very Scottish football the whole situation is.

Specifically, this pic.

You're looking at Elgin City fan Kevin Russell, who was innocently trying to eat a sausage roll and sip on a cup of soup while standing to the side watching the game.

In a pristine white t-shirt.

Kevin, his snacks and his shirt apparently had a date with destiny. Destiny, apparently, decided to take the form of a ball obliterating that soup.

Kevin himself wasn't seriously burned or otherwise injured in the incident, but the same, heartbreakingly, can't be said for his snacks or his shirt.

Oh, and the team he was rooting for lost 2-0.

The Elgin City Football Club went looking for him to offer free snacks after they saw the picture, turning to Twitter hoping to track him down.

Twitter, however, had a better idea.

Their idea was to have some fun instead.

But Kevin shouldn't feel bad.

Sure, his team lost and he didn't get to eat and his shirt got ruined and he's all over the internet now. But hey, at least he's not alone.

Food and flying balls is a sketchy combo, at best.

Rest In Pieces, cup of soup.

White t-shirt we hardly knew ye.

Better luck next time Elgin City FC and Kevin.