Actor Rob McElhenney, known for his role as Mac on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, took to Twitter recently to talk about his new diagnoses. The actor said that he was recently diagnosed with "a host of neurodevelopmental disorders and learning disabilities."
This is not the first time McElhenney has done something similar, sharing a medical experience in order to help out others. Just last year, McElhenney revealed he and Ryan Renolds had partnered up with Lead from Behind to film their colonoscopies to draw awareness to the life-saving testing procedure.
About his more recent diagnosis, McElhenney said he wanted to post about this because he hopes that knowing he has these diagnoses could help others.
He tweeted:
“It’s not something I would normally talk about publicly but I figured there are others who struggle with similar things and I wanted to remind you that you’re not alone."
"You’re not stupid. You’re not ‘bad.' It might feel that way sometimes. But it’s not true :)”
People immediately came out to thank him for his honesty and for sharing his news with the wider world.
Many folks chimed in with their own stories and thanked him for sharing his.
A lot of people are excited to hear all about the news on the podcast.
Finally, someone said the important part.
It's never too late to get tested.
McElhenney's journey will be further explained on the The Sunny Podcast later this summer.