Rage is unhealthy and toxic. It can turn your hair prematurely grey and can cause ulcers. Anger also has a direct link to anxiety and depression. That's why we have to be careful about what causes raging outbursts. Going into a state of anger over any little thing is not the way to get through a day. It only leads to more chaos, but sometimes chaos, is unavoidable.
Redditor u/Cumconsumer12 wanted everyone to share about the things that can make one fly on the handle by asking... What makes you really angry?I have a short fuse. I really do. For too many years it has lead to a lot of undo stress and trouble. I try deep breathes now. And prayer. But I nearly pass out from all the breathing and my mouth is dry from reciting scripture. I have issues. Anything can set me off. I could make my own personal reddit thread. But... I'm clearly not alone.
Angry Season 9 GIF by ShamelessGiphyHorrible people who go into professions working with vulnerable people. Like, a bully going into social work or nursing, or abusive people going into youth care. Nothing pisses me off more than that.
Being stuck behind a trio of slow walkers taking up the whole sidewalk.
Sometimes, depending on the width of where you're walking, it could just be 1 person and they are so evenly in the middle that you can't pass them on either side. It's infuriating. Like, HELL, make the minimal effort to move ever so slightly one way or the other.
Me Time
Having no free time.
My previous employer would send me appointments at 10pm for the next day.
I made it a rule to never EVER respond to emails past 5pm, even if I had a mail I wanted to send I would schedule it for delivery the next day.
Yeah I have a rule about being talked to while on the clock. If it's not important enough to tell me while you're paying me then it's not important.
Beware of Others
Inside Out Reaction GIF by Disney PixarGiphyPeople who are just oblivious in public. You are not the center of the universe, other people exist around you, stop being an a**.
And stand in the middle of the aisle leaning on their cart texting with one finger.
People who drive up my butt in the mother freaking slow lane. Wtf.
I hate when they do that when there is a passing lane and clearly they aren't trying to get to a turn. I could get if you can't pass me because of a turn (whether regular road where you are about to get to an entrance, or highway/interstate and off ramp) but WTF are you driving up my @ss when there is an empty lane beside you and you can go around me.
All of those things! ALL OF THOSE THINGS! I hate them all. How could you not? I'm angry just from reading. LOLOL. Let me pause for a breath and a prayer. Continue without me for a moment.
Get Back
Mad Grumpy Cat GIF by MOODMANGiphyLine cutters.
Missing Pieces
When you order takeout/delivery and you get home and the food is wrong. Ruins the whole meal for me.
Dude. This. I swear to god, if I splurge and get delivery and it's missing hoisin for my mu sushi it's honestly like momentarily devastating.
I bought some as a back-up and always leave a polite note saying I'd like sauce packets, but it still happens and is such a bummer. I usually only order food when it's been a rough/stressful day, so missing sauce is just like an extra kick in the shins.
It's Pretend
People sending death threats to actors because of a role they played.
Wtf. Really?
I studied acting in college and played a major douchebag in a play once. I played carter in Neil Labute's "Fat Pig." I talked with some girl several days after performances ended and she said she had a friend who wanted to talk to me but didn't because she thought I might be an butthole. So I kinda get that some people don't understand that actors aren't their characters, but sending death threats seems almost unbelievable.
People who casually throw trash out their car window.
One time while I was in the car with my family, there was a daycare van driving in front of us on the highway and the passenger threw trash out, so my dad called the daycare phone number. Glad he did!
Stay Calm
Angry Season 4 GIF by The OfficeGiphyWhen someone "apologizes," but starts of with I'm sorry YOU don't like/didn't hear/felt as if/etc. If you're going to apologize freaking own it. Get out of here with that passive aggressive bullcrap.
This entire thread has given me anxiety and makes me thankful for alcohol. I don't know why anything here would be deemed irrational; or maybe it's time I head back to therapy. Pray for me, and the world at large that has to encounter me.
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