With the 17 investigations targeting him and constant denials that seem to only confirm guilt, President Donald Trump is often compared to the only President ever to resign from office: Richard Nixon.
Nixon's presidency was brought down after he lied about the break-in of the Democratic National Committee headquarters in order to prevent an investigation about his involvement.
Now, Nixon's White House Counsel during that time, John Dean, is savagely calling out the President saying:
"Trump's not only incompetent he's actually a wuss. Like most bullies he's a coward."
Dean was fired by Nixon as the White House Counsel and eventually testified to prosecutors regarding Nixon's role in the matter.
Twitter echoed Dean's sentiments.
Many were worried about Trump's state of mind as comeuppance for his corruption appears to be closing in.
Dean's experience with Watergate coupled with the many comparisons of Trump to Nixon has led Dean to weigh in on these matters before.
Like all of the most reputable Trump enemies, the President tweeted about him after the announcement that White House Counsel Don McGahn would be leaving his position.
But Dean wasn't phased, commenting on the tweet to Axios:
"I am actually honored to be on his enemies list as I was on Nixon's when I made it there. This is a president I hold in such low esteem I would be fretting if he said something nice."
With the news that McGahn had spoken to Special Counsel Robert Mueller, Trump's attorney and former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani assured the public that McGahn's cooperation was actually good news for Trump.
Drawing parallels to his experience with Nixon, Dean expressed doubt in his talks with Axios:
"Rudy may think he [McGahn] had nothing but nice things to say about the boss, but Rudy has to remember his days as a prosecutor where, if you can get this kind of information, it can put a lot of other pieces into perspective that aren't so good for the defendant, or the potential subject or target."
He also added:
"Nixon made a comment in his memoir, that I found striking. That he wasn't worried about my Watergate testimony, but it was everything else I had to say. Because I had become privy to so many activities... and he said that's what killed him."
Former Trump attorney and fixer Michael Cohen's lawyer, Lanny Davis, has compared his client to John Dean as well, signaling to the President that Cohen has enough to ruin Trump.
Dean spoke about those parallels as well:
Those on Twitter were grateful that Dean called the President out.
It's clear that John Dean's experience with corrupt presidents evokes strong feelings when dealing with the current one. Soon it will be clear if Dean's suspicions were correct.