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Kit Harington Has Some NSFW Things To Say To All Of The 'Game Of Thrones' Haters Out There

Kit Harington Has Some NSFW Things To Say To All Of The 'Game Of Thrones' Haters Out There
Jeff Kravitz/Getty Images

Game of Thrones actor Kit Harington recently spoke about his reaction to fan response over the last season.


The Game of Thrones final season has been controversial, to say the least.

Some fans were satisfied with how the story has ended, and others have expressed a good amount of frustration, even going so far as to sign a petition for a remake of season eight.

Kit Harington, the actor who played Jon Snow, responded to the fans' lamenting. And it wasn't pretty.

In an interview with Esquire Magazine, Harington had discussed the finale before the final season had started, and simply spoke of what he believed fans would not be happy about.

"How I feel about the show right now is quite defiant," Harrington says.
"I think no matter what anyone thinks about this season—and I don't mean to sound mean about critics here—but whatever critic spends half an hour writing about this season and makes their [negative] judgement on it, in my head they can go f–k themselves. 'Cause I know how much work was put into this."

He continues:

"I know how much people cared about this. I know how much pressure people put on themselves and I know how many sleepless nights working or otherwise people had on this show. Because they cared about it so much. Because they cared about the characters. Because they cared about the story. Because they cared about not letting people down. Now if people feel let down by it, I don't give a f–k—because everyone tried their hardest. That's how I feel. In the end, no one's bigger fans of the show than we are, and we're kind of doing it for ourselves. That's all we could do, really. And I was just happy we got to the end."

His prediction was not wrong.

Legions of fans expressed disappointment over the last episode on social media, with regard to many aspects of the ending.

Harington's prediction was definitely proven true, with the extreme and very emotional reaction to Game of Thrones' finale. Season eight was definitely a hard season to watch, and overall, people just felt unfulfilled.

Maybe Jon Snow DOES know something.
