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Harvey Weinstein 'Sincerely Sorry' After Being Caught Smuggling A Box Of Milk Duds Into Prison

Harvey Weinstein 'Sincerely Sorry' After Being Caught Smuggling A Box Of Milk Duds Into Prison
Angela Weiss/AFP/Getty Images

Disgraced movie producer and convicted rapist, Harvey Weinstein was in the news again for the strangest reason. Turns out, he smuggled contraband into prison.

While this isn’t exactly rare for most prisons, what is strange is what was smuggled in: Milk Duds. The whole situation is bizarre to say the least.

Weinstein was arrested in May, 2018 for charges of sexual harassment, assault, and rape. He was convicted in 2020 of two of the five charges and remanded to Rikers Island in New York City.

However, he was extradited in 2021 to California to face more charges.

It was here that he was caught with the candy.

Weinstein was found with contraband during a November search at the Twin Towers prison in Los Angeles, CA. When initially questioned, Weinstein claimed it was all a misunderstanding.

According to reporting by Variety:

“Weinstein claimed to the guards that he had brought the Milk Duds with him when he was extradited from New York in July. But the jail officials said he had been searched upon his arrival at the L.A. County jail’s medical facility, and nothing was found, leading them to conclude that the Milk Duds were passed to him during the attorney’s visit.”

Because the only way the candy could have gotten to Weinstein was through his lawyers, authorities said they would have to search his attorneys’ binders and laptop bags on future visits.

After getting caught, Weinstein apologized, saying:

“This was an innocent misunderstanding. It will not happen again.”
“I have been a model inmate, following the rules and regulations and I am sincerely sorry.”

His attorneys also apologized for bringing the contraband, once again reiterating the model nature of Weinstein while in prison.

Commenters felt it must be nice to be sorry over Milk Duds and not to his victims.

Weinstein faces four counts of rape and seven counts of sexual assault charges, which includes four counts of forcible oral copulation, two counts of sexual battery by restraint and one count of sexual predation by force.

All together, Weinstein could be facing 140 years in prison.