Just days after removing the inspector general who handled the whistleblower report that spurred his impeachment, President Donald Trump set his sights on another inspector general.
On Tuesday, Trump fired Glenn Fine—the inspector general appointed to oversee how the $2.2 trillion virus relief package recently passed by Congress is spent.
The package makes for the most money Congress has spent at once, which made Trump's claims that he would act as his own oversight deeply concerning.
Now, an ad from Republicans for the Rule of Law is laying bare Trump's latest atrocity in a years-long pattern of corruption—and the ad will air on one of the President's favorite shows: Fox and Friends.
Watch below, and try to imagine the President's reaction.
President Trump thinks he is above the law.youtu.be
The ad states:
"President Trump is removing inspectors general and trying to block oversight on how he spends the money...Mr. President, that's not how oversight works. Our constitution created checks and balances to make sure that everyone is accountable. Even you."
Trump has routinely flouted oversight once considered normal and imperative in past administrations.
He's instructed administration officials not to comply with congressional subpoenas. He's done away with once-daily White House press briefings. He's fired anyone who dares to contradict him.
People agreed with the heart of the ad.
The President's efforts to escape accountability haven't gone unnoticed.
There's one group of people whom Trump can't fire who will have the chance to hold him accountable in November.
For more stories of Trump's ineptitude from people who were there, check out A Very Stable Genius, available here.