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AOC Perfectly Calls Out The Hypocrisy Of Republicans Who 'Stalk My Livestreams' To Criticize Her Every Word

AOC Perfectly Calls Out The Hypocrisy Of Republicans Who 'Stalk My Livestreams' To Criticize Her Every Word
Yana Paskova/Getty Images

Ever since becoming the youngest member of the 115th Congress in January 2019, New York Democratic Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been a favorite target for members of the GOP, including President Donald Trump.

But AOC sees them stalking her social media and on Wednesday she called them out.

The freshman legislator took to Twitter and posted:

"I find it amusing that GOPers stalk my livestreams to obsess over any & every word, bc I'm *actually available* to constituent Qs at 10pm after a long day."

"Meanwhile, many GOP electeds hide from constituents & avoid town halls. Maybe that's why they're so preoccupied w/ mine 💁🏽♀️"

AOC is possibly the most social media savvy members of the United States government.

The New York Democrat uses her Instagram to take questions from her constituents and other members of the public. But her comments and responses to questions often end up fodder for GOP members of Congress or the right-wing press.

Some of her followers thought the Republicans had more important things they should be watching instead of AOCs Q&As.

Their inaccessibility is a frequent complaint against veteran GOP members of Congress.

Former Maine Republican Representative Bruce Poliquin infamously hid in a bathroom to avoid his own constituents.

Poliquin was voted out in 2018 through Maine's ranked choice voting. His replacement—Democrat Jared Golden—campaigned on Poliquin's record of ducking voters.

The move to unseat Republican Senator Susan Collins of Maine noted she has never held a town hall in 20 years. One of her challengers, Democrat Sara Gideon—Maine's Speaker of the House—holds Supper with Sara gatherings across the state as a response to Collins unwillingness to meet with voters.

Mitch McConnell's Democratic challenger in Kentucky—Marine Corps veteran Amy McGrath—created a campaign ad about one of her unanswered letters to the Senate Majority Leader who has been in office since 1985, when McGrath was just 10 years old.

As of Friday, March 13, the 2020 election is 234 days away.

There are 35 Senate seats being decided in 2020. 23 of those seats are currently held by the GOP, but three of those incumbent Republican Senators announced decisions to retire instead of seeking reelection.

All 435 members of the House of Representatives will have to defend their seats in November or retire in January 2021.

If Republicans want to maintain their seats, maybe it's time to stop paying attention to AOC and time to pay attention to the voters in their disctrict.